Your last purchase??

Just ordered:


+ Yngwie tickets. So excited. :kickass: :headbang: :hotjump:
Remedy Lane is my favorite Pain of Salvation album (and one of my all time favorites)

Yesterday bought:
Arcturus - Sideshow Symphonies
Queen - Live Killers (LP)
Deep Purple - Machine Head (LP)
Flametal - The Elder
Tyr - Eric the Red
Tyr - How Far to Asgaard

I've been considering picking up some of Kreator's albums (I only own Enemy of God at the moment), would anyone care to make some recommendations?
I finally found Porcupine Tree's "Stupid Dream" for a reasonable price! Damn, I'm happy! I just ordered that along with some other CDs:

Magellan - Impossible Figures
Empty Tremor - The Alien Inside
Andromeda - II = I
Charon - The Dying Daylights
Stream of Passion - Embrace the Storm
Pyramaze - Melancholy Beast
Entwine - DIEversity
Allen/Lande - The Battle
Noble Viking said:
One of the greatest albums of all time

:worship: x 9783958729834578234

Heavy Machinery just arrived today. :worship: :kickass: Still waiting for Fission to arrive. :Smokin:

Anders is so crazy on Heavy Machinery! I think I'm going to order Red Shift. Even thoug I'm not a drummer and know jack shit about drumming, it sounds like it's a really adventerous album.
ThornsOfSorrow said:
I finally found Porcupine Tree's "Stupid Dream" for a reasonable price! Damn, I'm happy! I just ordered that along with some other CDs
Hope you enjoy it, Stupid Dream is one of my all time favorites, "A Smart Kid" could be easly my favorite PT song