Your latest G.A.S. purchases


I have been spoiled hanging out at jval's place lately with his properly isolated control/live room and after coming back home to track drums in my one room studio on Monday night I almost went insane trying to hear what was going on, setting monitoring levels, etc. I never realized how AWFUL it was until coming back to it. It was impossible to really make critical decisions on the drum takes because everything was too loud and ridiculous to really tell what the hell was going on.

So yesterday I spent like $800 on 11 bags of Roxul Safe n Sound, a dozen super heavy duty moving blankets that I had to drive an hour away to find, and a cheap little closed circuit surveillance camera. I went into my storage room/home gym with guns blazing, and took an old shelving system the previous owner built that ran all the way down the wall, took everything off of it, and filled the entire thing with insulation instead. 15 feet long, 7 feet tall, and fucking SIXTEEN INCHES THICK, hahaha... So now there's a 16" insulation barrier (with insulation that has the same acoustic properties as OC703, just not rigid) then about a 6" airgap, then the wall to my control room. I also hammered grommets into the moving blankets on one edge, and now I can just easily hang them from nails in the ceiling around the drum kit to kill most of the reflections and echo in the room, works surprisingly well! All in all, it's not proper or perfect by any means, but it cuts the sound down MORE than enough to be able to monitor comfortable in the control room and not worry about the bleed I'm hearing from the next room over.




Also, scored this on eBay today for a solid deal under new price, almost bought Waves SSL but I cannot justify giving money to that company :/ So if this is good enough for Andy it's good enough for me...

EDIT: Finished rearranging the control room now that I don't have to accommodate a drum kit in there...

Much better!
I just got a new set of 6L6 tubes for the Herbert.

You guys should really jump on this deal. Tube Depot supplies mass quantities of Winged "C" tubes to amp builders. If they plug em in and they don't match as a set, they send them back to Tube Depot. Well TD puts em back into matched sets, then sells them to you. So you get perfectly new, good working tubes, that just have claw marks on the bottom from retention sockets. I tested them out, and sure enough they all biased out perfectly with one another.

Here is the link. The 6L6's usually sell for $55 a matched set, if you buy the seconds you get them for $20 a pair!!!! Jump on this deal while it lasts fellas.
I just got a new set of 6L6 tubes for the Herbert.

You guys should really jump on this deal. Tube Depot supplies mass quantities of Winged "C" tubes to amp builders. If they plug em in and they don't match as a set, they send them back to Tube Depot. Well TD puts em back into matched sets, then sells them to you. So you get perfectly new, good working tubes, that just have claw marks on the bottom from retention sockets. I tested them out, and sure enough they all biased out perfectly with one another.

Here is the link. The 6L6's usually sell for $55 a matched set, if you buy the seconds you get them for $20 a pair!!!! Jump on this deal while it lasts fellas.

Damn, makes me really want to get a matched quad for my Windsor!
Totally stupid impulse purchase:
This is a cheap discontinued korean baritone with retarded skulls.
I hope it won't suck too much.:ill:
I could no longer stand my recently downtuned MH400.
Good guitar, but definitely not for downtuned stuff.

Totally stupid impulse purchase:
This is a cheap discontinued korean baritone with retarded skulls.
I hope it won't suck too much.:ill:
I could no longer stand my recently downtuned MH400.
Good guitar, but definitely not for downtuned stuff.


Yeah, short scale guitars suck at that (got an MH-1000 though) :erk:
Got 14-70 strings on mine and I'm still not happy (for B-Standard)
Baron seems to be the best amps evar. D;
Ive been hoping to get some decent amount of money for my Randall so that i can buy a Baron MII60.