Your latest G.A.S. purchases

Never tried the Mark V so far and I don´t wanna try one because I fear the GAS^^

And for the thread: 20 seconds ago I bought some redwirez :headbang:
In honour of my 600th post, I present:

2x HS80m with stands, cables, Profire 2626, Pro Tools M-Powered, Music Production Toolkit 2, iLok
Feels good man
e: but no money left now :lol:

Needed to pick up something small and portable for work, and this does the trick - Gateway LT 2104 (Atom N450 processor, 250GB hdd). It also allows me to fully dedicate my laptop to JUST recording, nothing else.

So far, so good - I'm adjusting to the smaller screen, just need to get used to typing on such a tiny keyboard now!!!
Not really mine, but Thordendal bought a new desk to FALstudios. ;)


It's an Amek Recall RN 56 input desk with total recall. The "RN" stands for Rupert Neve, who designed the Mic pre's and Eq. It's a FOH desk from the start, but works well in the studio.
iPad image

How do you like the touchscreen keyboard so far? My friend and I have debated about it, I tried telling him not to knock it until he's tried it but he insists it must be a pain in the ass - regardless of him never touching one...
How do you like the touchscreen keyboard so far? My friend and I have debated about it, I tried telling him not to knock it until he's tried it but he insists it must be a pain in the ass - regardless of him never touching one...

I love it all around. It's super fast (browsing is faster than my Mac Pro/Macbook Pro). I have an iPhone too so the keyboard is essentially like a giant iPhone keyboard for me, it's a little weird typing with your thumbs at first but it doesn't bother me at all.
Everyday since the release, when I run into Starbucks to get my girl drink, I see ten people putzing around on their iPad, with a Macbook sitting idle next to it and the iPhone on top of the Macbook.

Pretty hilarious if you ask me.