Your latest G.A.S. purchases


Its so AWESOME! And my plugin collection grows and grows^^
not much, but I needed a cheap and small cab. works fine for my goofin' round.

Not really mine, but Thordendal bought a new desk to FALstudios. ;)
It's an Amek Recall RN 56 input desk with total recall. The "RN" stands for Rupert Neve, who designed the Mic pre's and Eq. It's a FOH desk from the start, but works well in the studio.

Congrats and welcome to hell:lol:
Hope you have proper machine room, air-conditioning and most important: a good teck for recaping;)

Hope you haven't paid too much for this
Just hold on, soon the post-purchase rationalization will kick in! :lol:

Buyer's remorse is a state of cognitive dissonance that's totally natural and very common. The day you won't feel any buyer's remorse any more, you'll be either a) way to rich to worry or b) way to dead to worry. ;)
Well, I knew it was coming and I know it'll pass, but it still surprised me, that's all.
Considering that I actually made the purchase 6 months ago (but just received the synth), I've been going back and forth this whole time and I thought I'd gone over everything already! :lol: