Your latest G.A.S. purchases



not much, but I really needed them
You know what is really weird? Lolzgreg was telling me just last night he was thinking about getting a focusrite and he also has a fireface. o_O
I don't want to have my Fireface on all day, and I need a "soundcard" for my computer. You can use your audio recording soundcard (Fireface) as your default Windows soundcard without a heightened possibility of dropouts/clicks/pops.


But i just got this!!!

Take special note of the modded

$450 on Craigslist.

Red 2" Plexi replaced the stock face & 5150 logo. So I went to Fry's and bought some LEDS and put them in there. Looks pretty cool! Im considering getting some stencils and carving off some of the red to make a cool design or something. Its completely noiseless and they run on their own power :)

It came loaded with JJ KT88s and 6L6's I was waiting to have to go buy them for the head but they were already loaded!

So friggin happy right now!!!