Your latest G.A.S. purchases

CUDA only comes into play with Nebula when you use huge verbs and such. The saturation/eq programs I usually use get virtually no benefit. I've spent some time looking into this, and sacrificing PhysX and CUDA seemed like it was worth doing given that nVIDIA are rapidly losing their price & performance leadership in the market, and making some really stupid moves to boot.
Btw, why didn't you go with a NVIDIA ?

I think nebula3pro supports the Cuda engine

5970's the perfect balance of price/performance

I'm a long time NVIDIA supporter myself, but there's no denying that these cards kick some SERIOUS fucking ass without the need to SLI.

NICE build, man! Give us specs! CPU/HDD/w0t
Haha, yeah man, I don't know so much about perfect balance, because it's the fastest single card on the market, and it's goddamn expensive here in Oz. It was more a vanity purchase to make up for all the hell I put myself through mixing this last album, and a reminder to take a few hours off and enjoy some games when the opportunity presents itself.

Generally an nVIDIA supporter here too, but they seem to have fallen by the wayside in this current generation. Their 470 and 480 cards are laughably bad. Not only that but they actively stopped people using their nVIDIA GPUs for PhysX processing when using an ATi primary card. There is a mod that made it possible, and now it's a bit more difficult due to nVIDIA making their drivers take a crap whenever they detect an ATi card in the same system. That's the sort of mentality I expect from Apple, and I will not finance it. Actually reminds me of what Microsoft did with Nutscrape Navigator some years back.

But anywho brief specs:

CPU: i7 920
Motherboard: ASUS P6T
RAM: 6GB G.skill NQ 1333mhz
GPU: ATi 5970
HDDS: 3 x 500gb Caviar Black | 1 x 1TB Caviar Green
PSU: Corsair 620W
Case: Antec P183

At the moment I'm just having residual heat problems. I haven't been able to get good temperatures in years in order to facilitate overclocking. For some reason things just run way too hot here, even when the ambient temperature is freezing (been quite cold here in Melb for the last 2 weeks). I'm sitll sussing it out with the hardcore overclocking gamer crew, but chances are I've got some defective part or other. It seems like the motherboard may be the instigator, but I can't be sure.
Ermin how much was that setup of yours? I'm gnna be in the market for a new pc in about 3 or 4 months time, and i really want to stick with the ASUS Mobos (using a P5B here and its wicked for overclocking) and that seems a very nice setup!

Not too fussed on the graphics side of things as i see that one of yours costs more than the mobo and cpu together!! (still running an ATI sapphire x1650 card and works lovely for me for both general and gaming purposes)
This whole rig would be around about $3k I think. The original parts, prior to this upgrade were about $2,100. That's basically all of it, from the ground up, minus the peripherals, audio interface and monitors.

Thanks to Ryan Harvey and Adam Wathan for suggesting it, I'm thinking it'll be perfect for what I need, just gotta get a few 1/4" to XLR cables for headphone sends