Your latest G.A.S. purchases

My new guitar!

Nice! How is it?
A pair of Vintage 30's for my 2x12 Splawn cabinet that should be arriiving on Wednesday to make for a 6 pack. Already have a Splawn 4x12 with small blocks and big block.

Also just picked up a KRK Ergo. I have to say that I have built a number of 6 inch rockwool bass traps in my small room, along with Auralex in my control room, and this thing makes a HUGE difference on the lower frequencies. I can hear the bass notes so much clearer! I have it running off the SPDIF output from the Fireface800 into some Adam A7's sitting on Auralex pads and a 10 inch Tapco sub.



and all together now:


Had to remove the HDD cage in order to fit the card, haha. Now we've got 4 HDDs crammed together into that bottom one. No room for expansion from here! (unless it involves more videocards and cooling).