Your latest G.A.S. purchases

Yep, it's a one-channel channel strip. I want something transparent for DI recording, so minimal quality loss when reamping and such. Plus the compressor on it is apparently quite amazing. When I get my own space to track other stuff, this thing will double back as a transparent vocal and acoustic pre. The Distressors will add the BOOM.
Got these modded by Micheal Joly at Oktavamod:



The difference was downright stunning. These went from being "good" to "world class." They're now probably the best mics I own.

Was it me who dropped the Oktavamod bomb when we were chatting on AIM, Glenn?
5150 is a friends......until he sells it to me. And I will never get rid of the BV. Present from mom and dad. I'm all sentimental and shit. And honestly, for all the bad mouthing of BV's, it has sounded a lot better than a ton of bands I have played with. But with an is getting a lot of rest time now. :)

Got any clips of the Uber?
Sold my Fuzz Factory to get money for a good delay. The Fuzz Factory is great, but it's a bit too aggressive for my uses right now, so I'll probably buy another later. Getting a delay with the money, any recommendations? I'm thinking about the TC Nova Delay.

The Ibanez BTB555 arrived too, I'm going to go get it tomorrow.
It will do it more than justice, its more about whats in front of the mic than the signal chain (as long as its not complete shit). A good player with a good guitar into a good amp with a good cab and a SM57 in front of it should yield good results. I'm considering getting one so I need aid!



Hmm what did the UPS guy just bring in??


Oh, no! It's a B...b.. ...but what's that behind it? A pair of A7? Sweet!

I bought them from Dolphin Music and now I'm too chicken to even try them because I'm not sure if can use one of these:

instead of these:

Help please!
Yeah I got some cables like that with my monitors, ive never used them and stuck to good ol' kettle leads as you are used to using.
Hey thanks! :)

However, I'm not quite sure we understood each other: I typically use the ones from the first picture since our sockets are the german type (i think), however the monitors came with the UK type since they're meant for Britain.

I asked a few people and it seems they are interchangeable.
Ohhh haha, yeah im the other way round, I got the ones you should have got and you got the ones I needed. Ah well as you said I also think they are interchangeable, good times!
How much did the Diezel cab set you back Dan, and it that used or new?

Was £750. (just under $1100) Quite a lot for a 2x12 I guess... It's one of the new ones, which apparently are a lot better than the old ones. (?!)

I ordered it indirectly from Germany (everything's being made there now - no more US built stuff).
cheers ermin!

i bought 'multi-platinum pro tools' which was recommended by a few people, and 'the complete pro tools shortcuts' after it was recommended.

mppt has a CD tutorial with it, although it is primarily aimed at those with pt experience. I'll check out the VTC stuff. lacking ADC is going to drive me mad......very tempted to buy mellowmuse's plugin and be done with it.......
haha I'm basically keen to use it, as I have put off learning PT for far too long.

i just feel that its something I should know inside out and be lightening quick in if i want to succeed. I'm actually REALLY satisfied with logic 8, very little that I'm not happy with.

i know you are a PC guy, but if you can justify spending money on a computer ONLY for your recording I'm sure you could get a great logic rig. i switched from cubase to logic and learned it really quick and im A LOT faster in logic (maybe because i spent more time learning shortcuts?).

looks like i'll be forking out more on getting the ATA plug....