Your latest G.A.S. purchases

Good choices Saculus. Tung-Sol/Sovtek WXT+ is what I've been recommending lately. And the TAD's are next on my list to try. Although I don't like the fact that they are just rebranded tubes (like Groove Tubes), I've heard they do a great job at matching.

FYi from what I have been researching it looks like these are the same tubes Behringer is re-branding Bugera for their amps.

Fuck off really?!?

I've wanted to hear one of those forever. You gotta do a mini review if you can. I'm thinking about getting one instead of an 1176.
Hehe, I've got the E530 2 weeks ago, so now I have to figure out how to use them both... maybe A/B switch, and I need an FX-unit as well... Replifex is what I'm gassing for right now.

My old rig was an ENGL e530, a Marshall JMP-1, a Replifex, and a VHT 2/90/2. The e530 and JMP-1 were in stereo. The sound was absolutely amazing.
My old rig was an ENGL e530, a Marshall JMP-1, a Replifex, and a VHT 2/90/2. The e530 and JMP-1 were in stereo. The sound was absolutely amazing.

That's exactly what I'm doing now... but I still consider getting a MIDI controled looper so I can choose one of the 2 preamps or even both. Should be very versatile, me thinks :D

My new favorite amp... who needs a freakin' boost. Do you know why that middle slider is so far down on the EQ? Because it sounds like balls if it's not :p


An inspiring work area helps too :) Nothing beats having a friend who is a master carpenter.

Pictures to come from the studio when the desk is set up here.
M-audio again? How is it? :)
Yup. :p
Not that I particularly like Avid/M-audio but I trusted my ears on this one...

It's still way too early to give a fair opinion.
You know, buyer's guilt and all that placebo crap...
So far it's like more everything compared to my old monitors.
Very detailed mids, spectacular stereo image, very punchy response, but what surprised me the most was the deep yet very articulate bass response...
However they are very slightly hissy, maybe a tad flattering and it's kind of shitty to have no other choice than to use the internal DAC but they seem good enough.
Also there are shitloads of corrections. I need to test those and it's a bit overwhelming tbh.
Well new monitors day is overwhelming.

Edit: That's a lot of "very"... lol
Wait, wasn't it on a couch before? :lol:

That desk is turning out sick, and the monitor box is almost exactly like I had imagined; both go in there, or one goes on top?

The picture on that sofa chair thing was the one the seller sent to me. :Spin:

I'm glad you like it. I can't wait to get it here tonight and filled with gear :Smokin:

One goes in the box, and one goes on top. It's really only a few degrees head adjustment to see the upper one, and i could always just swap what's on the screen otherwise. I always want to have my ears dead center in the stereo image. :D
Wow, never would've guessed those were M-audio. Thought it would be some crazy boutique $6k+ set of 3-ways from looking at the pic on my phone.

Still waiting for the damn headphones and lens to arrive... that's 2 weeks now. This time of year is when postal services are usually really backed up coming off holidays, right?