Your latest G.A.S. purchases


with free Auralex mopads + a pair of 3m lynx pro speaker cables

all for £645 and free shipping, fucking bargain.
Welcome to the club :)

I got mine new from Dolphin Music in February when they were still 549£ and GBP :p
just picked up this beauty today


Complete with Windows XP and other goodnessess. The only shit stain is that it doesn't have any Firewire inputs, so I was planning on buying an additional firewire slot pci card. Well, of course the one I had in mind didn't fit, so the store had to go find me another one. They didn't have that one in stock, obviously, so now I have to wait until tuesday before I can get some work done with it. Fired it up for a few test runs though, runs smooth as hell! Finally I can zoom in Cubase without the whole thing lagging into a pool of slime. :rolleyes:

I also picked these badboys up! I felt it was about time.


The two greatest metal albums ever, + the best produced hard-rock album ever. How can one go wrong?

Finally I have something to contribute to this thread! And if all goes well, there shall be many more. :headbang:
I freaking love them. They are really clear and have loads of clarity. I've noticed certain details/blemishes that I've never heard before on my favourite albums. They are the first pair of monitors I've ever owned before now I've been using a set of yamaha desktop multimedia speakers, but I've used the following monitors:

Behringer Truth
and an older pair of KRK Rokit.

But the A7s are more expensive and in a completely different league so its not much of a comparison.

Bought them on ebay from a seller called Blitz Audio

The two greatest metal albums ever, + the best produced hard-rock album ever. How can one go wrong?

I bought all of Metallicas albums after I was 20+ years old, so I didn't grow up to them and if you ask me, I just think Justice is too fucking overrated album (and so is Kill Em All).

The production sucks (c'mon, where is the bass?), Kirks solos are mostly just about technical performance and speed, plus the songs are just too fucking long for no good reason. But there are some really good songs in there, I have to admit.

But I still think Ride The Lightning is far superior to it.
I bought all of Metallicas albums after I was 20+ years old, so I didn't grow up to them and if you ask me, I just think Justice is too fucking overrated album (and so is Kill Em All).

The production sucks (c'mon, where is the bass?), Kirks solos are mostly just about technical performance and speed, plus the songs are just too fucking long for no good reason. But there are some really good songs in there, I have to admit.

But I still think Ride The Lightning is far superior to it.

Yeah, I'm not to big on Kill either but Justice owns way hard. Sure the production is pretty damn lame, but I think it works out fine most of the time. Most of my love for this album comes from hetfields incredible vox, brutal as all hell, and with some great lyrics to boot. The guitars are also great, with just about every damn riff being a classic.

Songs are damn long sure, I can agree, and I could see how someone would feel that they were 'too' long. I would say that the songs are exactly as long as they should be, and that it doesn't matter if every song has a 4-minute bridge, since all of it is just killer riffage.

RTL for me, was just to soft of an album. FFWF, Bellz, Creeping etc were all fantastic songs, but songs like RTL and Escape just kills it with those lame choruses. :lol: Fade is great aswell, but Sani and One are way superior in my book.
Looks comfy.... however, I feel I must warn you: Girlfriends will linger if there's a big, comfy couch for them to sit on. They tend to never come back if they're made to sit on the floor. (Yes, I know this from experience!) :devil:
I bought all of Metallicas albums after I was 20+ years old, so I didn't grow up to them and if you ask me, I just think Justice is too fucking overrated album (and so is Kill Em All).

The production sucks (c'mon, where is the bass?), Kirks solos are mostly just about technical performance and speed, plus the songs are just too fucking long for no good reason. But there are some really good songs in there, I have to admit.

But I still think Ride The Lightning is far superior to it.

Ok, but think about it. If you bought an old ATARI video game right now it would suck ass compared to PS3, Wii, Xbox, etc.

But if you bought it the day it came out and none of those other things existed you would think it's the best shit ever.

It's all about the time and the place.
Ok, but think about it. If you bought an old ATARI video game right now it would suck ass compared to PS3, Wii, Xbox, etc.

But if you bought it the day it came out and none of those other things existed you would think it's the best shit ever.

It's all about the time and the place.

Nope, I think Master of Puppets and Black album still sound great and have killer songs and I think C64, NES and SNES had far superior games to some of the PS3 titles, so there is a flaw in your analogy. And another example: in my opinion The Beatles sounded good (Stg.Pepper and beoynd) and made helluva good songs thruout their whole career, but I never liked Beach Boys and Rolling Stones.
Looks nice, Ermz. I can't wait to have my whole room just for recording/mixing purposes. I'll make some nice panels and perhaps get a nice couch, too - it's an important piece of gear :D
You wouldn't believe how much, actually! Hard to take a control room seriously with a bed taking up half of it. If I were better off financially I'd grab a house somewhere and start building a project studio from scratch in the garage or something... all things in due time.

@Neb: Sofa bed.