Your latest G.A.S. purchases

Hard to take a control room seriously with a bed taking up half of it.

Tell me about it, I've got 2 beds here and a bunch of other stuff that isn't audio-related. Fortunately, the panels make it look like a room you wouldn't live in :D Though, I'm pretty tired of people asking me "is that for soundproofing"
I love the little tank on one of the bass traps :D And the amount of 'em you have in there never ceases to amaze!
I love the little tank on one of the bass traps :D And the amount of 'em you have in there never ceases to amaze!

Hey, they weren't so small back in the day!

Not sure if it qualifies as 'gear', but I just got a new working chair, rack case and couch...


hey Ermz what are your speakerstands?...i have the same monitors and as u know they weight a TON.
are they safe in those?
Yeah, the Ultimate Support MS-36B2s are quite happy to take the weight of the ASP8s. They wiggle around a bit for me, but I think that's mainly because I have them on carpet. To this day I don't know whether the function of carpet spikes is to couple to the hardfloor or make the stands sturdier on carpeted surfaces... mainly because they seem to fail terribly at both!
WOW, that is one aggressive forearm cut :lol: Looks sexy though dude, and I never thought I'd say that about ANY Music Man! The satin black is boneriffic
Yeah, I got one of those (as I guess most people do!) however I never, ever use it since I don't reherse or play live anymore. :lol: So it just collects dust, but I got it REAHEHEHELLY cheap, so it's okay ;)
Yeah, I wouldn't see any use for it at home eighter (GTune does the trick when recording and is free. :) ) but since I have the first gig with my new band coming up this sunday I thought I might finally need it. ;)