Your latest G.A.S. purchases

Traded the Digitech 2101 I got free, for this...

Recently picked up:

-Mesa F-100 head
-Stone Age 4x12 (hand built 4x12, Marshall 60's style cab, can't wait!)
- (2) Hellatone 60s (broken in Vintage 30s), and (2) Hellatone 30s (broken in G12H30s) for the above cab.

Joe, your nuts dude, ANOTHER amp? :lol: I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the F-100, don't know much about 'em. The cab sounds badass though man, I guess you're needing a good 4x12 since the Mesa ain't doing it for ya! (did you end up selling that, btw?) Do you just have your 2x12 now, or do you have another 4x12?
Joe, your nuts dude, ANOTHER amp? :lol: I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the F-100, don't know much about 'em. The cab sounds badass though man, I guess you're needing a good 4x12 since the Mesa ain't doing it for ya! (did you end up selling that, btw?) Do you just have your 2x12 now, or do you have another 4x12?

Yoyo Marcus,

Hahaha, believe it or not, at the moment I only have the Plexi clone and the Mesa (still in transit, hehe).

I really liked the Mesa cab, I just felt that a standard size cab would work better for what my current band is doing. I'll definitely own another oversized one day.

Yeah, the F-100 flew under the radar for a while. Supposedly the circuit has morphed into the current Mesa Express series, but who knows. I never really paid much attention to it until I heard this band Bison B.C. use it on their new album. They play a sort of Mastodon sounding metal. I spoke to the guitar player and he really loves it. Strong midrange, great clean, and loop...yet really simple. That is exactly what I'm looking for in an amp, so I figured why not try it!

Oh shit I lied!

I got a blackstar HT-5! Dude, you really should play one of these in person through a Mesa cab. Tons of tight and awesome gain! I can't promise current clips sounding any good on my Avatar 2x12 (sounds great in the room but records like ass), but really man...make a trip to GC and try it out. NOTHING like what you expected..."Loose and bluesy from what I remember, hehe).

So anyways, I'm using the HT-5 with my Avatar 2x12 to write, practice, and such. When our band gets a monthly space, my 4x12 rig will be going with it!

I can't wait to get my 4x12! The builder is a super nice dude and has called me several times to let me know the ETA, and to make sure that it arrived ok!

It looks like this:


I'm a huge fan of the vintage Marshall style as you know!

I'm a huge fan of the vintage Marshall style as you know!


Yeah dude, looks sexy as hell! I'm definitely gonna have to take a drive down to NJ to pay you a visit and play all your gear :lol: (as well as indulge in a certain plant, now that I've had a change of heart about it :heh: )
Yeah dude, looks sexy as hell! I'm definitely gonna have to take a drive down to NJ to pay you a visit and play all your gear :lol: (as well as indulge in a certain plant, now that I've had a change of heart about it :heh: )

Haha, the offer is there man. Even though I don't have much gear right now, it would be fun to play em all!

Also, I really want to play a Recto one of these days. It's the one major amp that I've never spent any time tweaking, other than low volume at guitar center which means nothing.

Also, I think you might be pleasently surprised with the V30/H30 mix. It really fills in the sound in a pleasant way! Tightens it up a bit and subdues some of the mids in the V30s (even though I like this character of the V30, it adds a nice effect!)



It's hardly my latest GAS purchase, considering I bought it from AudioPhile777 2 years ago, but the friends that were supposed to bring it to me from the USA were not able to come until yesterday. It looks and sounds awesome, despite the few cosmetic flaws :headbang:


It's hardly my latest GAS purchase, considering I bought it from AudioPhile777 2 years ago, but the friends that were supposed to bring it to me from the USA were not able to come until yesterday. It looks and sounds awesome, despite the few cosmetic flaws :headbang:

You waited 2 years for them to bring it over???
Yeah, shipping would have cost around 200$ and then there was the risk of having to deal with idiots at the customs :ill:

In the meantime I bough a Jackson with EMGs, and besides my band had broken up.
Major overhaul on the home studio:

-RME Fireface 800
-2x M-Audio Octane
-Presonus Central Station and Remote
-Presonus HP60
-Matched Stereo Pair of Cascade Fathead II's with Lundhal Trannys
-A Shockmount rack (oh yeahhhhhh!)

I've heard GREAT things about the M-Audio Octane. Now I own two (I've yet to test them in a recording environment, I was using the pre's in the Fireface 'till now) and I'm very excited to give them a run for their money. I will eventually upgrade preamps again in the VERY FAR FUTURE (after the studio is finished being built and I gross over $12000) to Seventh Circle Audio Neve 1073 clones and a high quality 16 channel A/D converter! I've done some pretty nice recordings with just my Presonus Firebox, so I don't think the preamp upgrade is gonna take me that far.
Just a cool API unit. 2 channels of API's 312 preamps (basically 512s), some say they are alright for guitars... :lol: