Loren Littlejohn
Lover of all boobage.
Can anyone recommend a power supply for it?
I use a cheapo Danelectro PSU with my boss pedals and it works fine. I think I spent all of $20 or so on it.
Can anyone recommend a power supply for it?
How old are your pedals, because I think there are issues with older pedals using newer psu's.
Bearing in mind this is a Japanese one (pre 1988).
just scored an Ampeg SVT-15T for 70 last night ;)[/quote]
let us know how it is!
Oh, and got a bulk pack last week - around $30AUD RRP here (per set), and they 'discount' them down to $25 a pack. Decided to hit ebay and pay $165 AUD for 12 packets ~ $13.75 a pack. Delivered to my desk. This is what you get for being a fuckin' greedy retailer.
good cam, using the samebasic (no video, no live view and so on) but if you have fun with that
and get used to it, a better one will be way more fun later. The kit lense is decent, just used it today
for a few shots.
Can anyone recommend a power supply for it?
So comfortable, I hardly reach for my mouse anymore, even though I only just got this.