Your latest G.A.S. purchases

^^It's got a pivot point up top, so when you click towards the bottom, the unit depresses a tiny bit and does make a physical click. Right clicks are performed by placing two fingers on the pad and then depressing with your thumb. It's literally exactly like the trackpads on newer Apple laptops, only bigger.

Or by just clicking with two fingers, or by clicking the lower right corner with your ring finger for example.

I just did some mixing with a bunch automation stuff with it, and it absolutely rules when you switch the three finger swipe from back/forward to click and drag. You can just place your cursor on eg. a fader and swipe up and down with three fingers to mix (think Reaper and scroll wheel), and with PT, I'd just add some nodes and swipe them up and down as necessary. Also did some touch automation for a delay send, but that I feel would be nicer to do with something like the Frontier Alphatrack.

Can anyone recommend a power supply for it?

If this is an un-modded pedal, then you will need one of the older BOSS ACA adapters.

The newer Boss PSA power supplies are regulated, and pedals from the early 90's and 80's won't work properly with them. They need an ACA adapter.

Here's some information on the pedal, adapters, and mods that can be done to it...

I had my amp tech do this mod for me. Essentially you have to bypass the resistor and diode that was designed to rectify and drop the voltage from the 12 VAC power supply down to 9 VDC.

Even when these pedals are run from the AC power supply, the circuit is only running on 9 volts because of the diode and resistor that is to be bypassed.

If you plug a newer PSA 9v adapter into it without the PSA mod done to your pedal, the tone will degrade as the pedal was designed to run on a alternating current.

I think back in the day 9v batteries were much cheaper so many people just used those all the time instead of using the adapters.

So, you have 3 options:
- Have someone do the 9v mod for you so it will run on the newer standard PSA adapters = :grin: sounds fine.
- Keep it as-is and run it on a 9v battery = :grin: sounds fine.
- keep it as-is and run it on a 9v regulated PSA adapter = Ew. :yuk:

OT: The N64 was the only console EVER where I preferred 3rd party controllers over the garbage nintendo offered.
Any chance you remember the name of the 3rd party controllers? My friends and I bought some but they were shit and went dead on the second day. I always liked the original ones but they cost like $70 or even more these days, and the used ones have shitty joysticks.

I got the regular version at first and while it was incredible to type on (the best keyboard I've ever used), it was just way too loud. I exchanged it for the 'silent version' (still louder than a regular keyboard, but types a helluva lot better).

CPU AMD Phenom II X6 1055T 6x2.8GHz


MBP Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3 - AM3+


SPE 4GB CORSAIR CL9 Vengeance PC3-12800 KIT

Finally able to record at home with a good buffer size.
My first fast Inet PC^^
I shit you not Jeff, I never even noticed that the reindeer were humping, but it's fuckin awesome! I have a crude mind, so the 6th sense must've kicked in when I chose it haha.

We're having a moustache and christmas sweater party at the end of Movember, I wanted to make sure I had mine in time :D
I shit you not Jeff, I never even noticed that the reindeer were humping, but it's fuckin awesome! I have a crude mind, so the 6th sense must've kicked in when I chose it haha.

We're having a moustache and christmas sweater party at the end of Movember, I wanted to make sure I had mine in time :D

Dude, where can I order one? Where'd you get it? that's sweet!

You could have gone to your party looking like this...
