Your latest G.A.S. purchases


My first step in the pod world.

WTF IS THAT!!!! That thing looks beastly!

I just ordered an Engl e530 preamp cant wait!:headbang:
WTF IS THAT!!!! That thing looks beastly!

I just ordered an Engl e530 preamp cant wait!:headbang:

LOL Its the new POD X3 Pro, This is my first time ever fucking with a pod. On e of the new features on this version of the pod is "Dual Tone" the ability to use 2 complete effects chains from one source, but my first impresions are they should have named it Phase Tone. Im only going to be using it for a reference tone while im recording guitar tracks, capturing the DI as well.
LOL Its the new POD X3 Pro, This is my first time ever fucking with a pod. On e of the new features on this version of the pod is "Dual Tone" the ability to use 2 complete effects chains from one source, but my first impresions are they should have named it Phase Tone. Im only going to be using it for a reference tone while im recording guitar tracks, capturing the DI as well.

So you couldn't just get the bean-version for like a third of the price for that? :p
So you couldn't just get the bean-version for like a third of the price for that? :p

I got it brand new in box for $440. didnt think it was a bad deal ;)

And i like the idea that i can have 2 guitarist plugged into it at the same time. kinda like most chicks that go to my shows.
Hey I live in aus aswell and Im about to go get my computer built this weekend but where did you get this done?

At first I was browsing parts to build one for myself from MSY but everything I wanted/needed would total over a grand and when I saw this beauty for 870 I couldn't pass it up.
a 6505 for a good price, a ts7 (as mentioned in by jbroll´s thread on tscreamers - thx for that thread, i´m already thinking of modding to 808 specs) and a thd hotplate from ebay.
couple of cables, jacks, strings, u know...

no more GASing till the end of the year for sure :)
nicely done!!!

what schematic did you follow?

I got the MusikDing kit, which was the easiest way for me and really cheap, too. I think the whole thing was about 36€ including the enclosure, PCB, pots, switches, knobs and postage. That's actually cheaper than it would've been to get the same parts separately from some local store :zombie:
wicked, ill definately check that out!! im in need of summat different to my sd1! shipping inside europe is great too, any reason y u went for the larger enclosure?

Well, the smaller one is only 1€ cheaper, and the bigger one gives a lot more room to cram the shit inside, so I didn't have to worry about short-circuits or bent joints when putting it together. A word of advice, though: an 850 watt drill hammer isn't the most sophisticated tool for drilling the holes, I damn near ripped the whole enclosure and both my legs apart when drilling :lol:
Well, the smaller one is only 1€ cheaper, and the bigger one gives a lot more room to cram the shit inside, so I didn't have to worry about short-circuits or bent joints when putting it together. A word of advice, though: an 850 watt drill hammer isn't the most sophisticated tool for drilling the holes, I damn near ripped the whole enclosure and both my legs apart when drilling :lol:

lol thats where the ole pillar drill comes in handy!!
Just picked myself up one of these last night for 200 AUD. It needs a footswitch which shouldn't be too hard to find. [Marshall vs230] open back combo. Somewhere I read about a mod for these...looks like its time to do some searching.