Your opinion about Children Of Bodom.

I like them. Maybe the can get kind of boring or samey, but I definitely think that they make good music, and that they are talented musicians. They are probably my favorite power metal band.
yeh iguana dont be put off by the responses here. every band gets raped in this forum.

i love follow the reaper. i think thats their best album. hatebreeder is excellent as are hate crew deathroll and something wild. however, i dont think you would need to buy more than 2 of their cds. i think they become a tad repetitive after a while. they need some variety to their music.
I like Children of Bodom. Hatebreeder was a 5 star album, IMHO, Something Wild and Follow The Reaper deserve a 3, definitely. Hatecrew sucks though.
I guess they are the best at fairyland wankcore...
IT doesn't take much of a brain to learn a couple scales and rape them to death in mechanical sequences. I find the esxcessive range of most of their melodies to be annoying; especially when it is done by the keyboardist.
Great band, thought they could make less use of the keyboard ( especially in solos ). I loved all their album but Hatebreeder is my favorite.
I guess they are the best at fairyland wankcore...
IT doesn't take much of a brain to learn a couple scales and rape them to death in mechanical sequences. I find the esxcessive range of most of their melodies to be annoying; especially when it is done by the keyboardist.

Wank, Wankery, Wankfest, Wankcore...learn another fucking word, you dolt.
Simply because a musician takes pleasure when indulging in his own talent does not indicate that he's a passionless wanker. Emotion is anything but objective and it can't be broken down by a single person and determined in range-measurements. I suppose what I'm trying to say is...Shut up and learn an instrument.
MegaDan said:
I think Children of Bodom are a very aggressive, tongue-in-cheek sort of band whose main goal is to enjoy themselves. They're also immensely talented at playing their instruments.
Which is why they're entertaining for around three minutes.