Your opinion about Children Of Bodom.

DiscipleOfPlato said:
Congratulations! You've proven my uneducated-ass wrong! It appears that I was wrong in my conjecture that you can't play an instrument, in fact, your alleged experience is quite the contrary. Of course, one could argue that my assumptions and your claims are merely words on a message board that cannot be proven evident by any concrete means, considering we've never met, but then, one would be wrong when arguing against such an immensely knowledgeable induividual as yourself, what with your 4 "semesters" of music theory and all, in addition to being "well in the know" of the classical genre. Funny you should mention it, because an associate of mine who happens to attend the same university as myself is just finishing his fourth annual-course on music theory and hopes to achieve his degree by the end of the year. Last time I checked, a semester is only one half of a year, and the subject of Music Theory can't be taken four times individually constituting half a year. In other words, Music Theory is not a semester course, you douche, meaning that the only means by which your statement could've proved valid is if you intended to imply that you took two annual courses of music theory, rather than four semesters(for the slow, four half-years are equivalent to two full-years), but decided to use a half-assed method of displaying yourself as more professional and impressive by euphemistically substituting one number for another and altering a word so as to conceal your incompetence. Oh, and AP stands for "Advanced Placement," which indicates that it is a college-level course taken previous to college. From this I can infer that you've taken your glorious four semesters of music theory in high-school, but then there's that glaring contradiction concerning semesters. AP Music Theory is an annual course. I know because my past high-school offered the course, which is the equivalent of a first-year of Music Theory in college, and I took it out of curiosity. The only possible way that you can take AP music theory following two years, assuming it's Music Theory I and Music Theory II, is if you decided to retake your first year. This makes absolutely no sense, and it baffles me as to why anybody would take a meager high-school course after two college-years of Music Theory. Again, for the slow, there is no such thing as AP Music Theory in college, because every college course IS an AP course. Of course, only a complete imbecile such as...oh, I don't know, an "Anonymous" member who would place Bach and Mozart in the same context, would fall for your insipid assertions and kiss your ass without consideration for the absence of logic in your claims.

Well done sir, may your future accomplices bow before your extraordinary accomplishments. Fucking idiot.
I believe the congratulations is sincerely yours. How you have managed to know more about my experiences than I is truely a remarkable feat... In my high school that is how they were taught. Four half year courses. They offered the AP course as a half year(semester) course. AP credit is awarded upon the completion of the exam following the course. Which I am sure you already knew due to your superior status. Also you should be praised for your extensive knowledge of every school in existance's curriculum. Which seems to be a logical assumption, due to the inferential nature of your post.

You should really have deleted the first half of your post after figuring out, it wasn't taken in college. Your flame would have been far more effective that way. Reply with another ramble in which you prove yourself a fool halfway through please. Just ramble on forever making invalid inferences.

Again I am entertained by your ignorance.
Children of Bodom sucks so much shit. I can't believe people praise them so highly as aggressive black/power metal or whatever. Sounds like another shitty melo-death band with even shittier vocals.
I love Children Of Bodom. Very heavy and melodic...but they don't quite sound like the Gothenburg band which is good because I believe a lot of those bands sound very alike and indecipherable. Granted, Children Of Bodom haven't varied their style very much from album to album, I love their sound and they're no doubt a very talented and unique band. Also, Hate Crew Deathroll may not be their best, but I love the album.
Children of Bodom rocks, nothing original, nothing fancy, but they kick ass. Their music is very melodic with awesome solos and catchy riffs, yet aggressive in a way. Quite an interesting mix.
This place is not an elitist forum.

When compared to the godawful Disgruntled Metalheads forum, no it isn't. But there's a fair share of elitism here, as with all forums.
Personally I love COB. Follow The Reaper is deffinitely my favourite as virtually the whole thing is great from start to finish, with loads of great riffs, melodies and enjoyably over-the-top solos. Hatebreeder follows closely with some of the bands best moments and some more interesting and folk/classic tinged bits but without such a solid stylish overall feel. Something Wild is kinda unoriginal in places and there is some really dodgy singing - my least favourite. Hate Crew Deathroll was a little dissapointing for me as they seem to have tried (and succeeded) to get a more heavy 'crushing' sound but at the expense of melody. Songs like Sixpounder, Angels Dont Kill and the rather daftly titled "lil bloodred riding hood" go a bit doomy and I find my self waiting for the boring rhythm bits of them to go past so I can get to the good bits, whereas the tracks on FTR are just line after line of addictive brilliance. However, Needled 24/7, Bodom Beach Terror and the title tracks are 3 of the bands best.

I can see why people wouldnt like the band. The lyrics are hardly great and often a bit questionable but this isnt a band to be taken lyrically seriously - they're out to have fun and make kick ass tunes. The keys are also often waay over the top but I for one love that and the vocals sound bad at first but soon becaome addictively likeable. Personally I love the band for being overtly over the top and, while staying a heavy band, for still being willing to throw in anything they want (folk, classical, punk, soundtrack) and keeping away from too obvious verse/chorus/verse/chorus stuff. Obviously if you wanna compare them to melodic death, they are lyrically waay inferior to say Dark Tranquillity but I think you're missing the point there. I see them more as a kinda modern version of sleazy 80s bands (like maybe Wasp) just making fun un-demanding music but with less rock star bullshit and better tunes.
Haha, i love CoB. Something Wild is my fave. They don't really get old for me. Woohoo..

And to whoever said that that catfish was huge, I heard a story about how a guy was scuba-diving in the mississippi and he saw cats the size of beetle bug cars...that's sick
Holy shit man. THAT'S why you shouldn't question their power, man...

CoB would be better if they didn't sound so damn cheesy almost all the time.
I really think it depends on why you listen to music -- I personally love CoB because their songs are agressive and fast as hell -- I often like music that sorta has that fast and powerful sound to it. I don't care if their lyrics/song titles are less-than-serious -- what a concept -- a band that plays music just because they like it.
If you don't like them because of this, fine. If you want to listen to slower, more emotional stuff like Opeth cuz it fits your personality/music likes better, then fine, but don't automatically write off every fast and agressive band as being cheesy.
first 2 albums are good
Don't really like the others
They're ok on stage, and good musicians, but they are so overrate by trendy people
I think they're awesome. Sure they tend to be a bit cheesy at times but truth be told sometimes I like a little cheese in my music. Can't go wrong with heavy power metal. :D
What has my flame war proven in this thread? You can defend claims of stupidity from other parties, but you can not say much after someone brings attention to the fact that you made yourself look dumb. Your lack of response to my last post, lets me see you at your peak of intelligence.
Damn, who gives a fuck about the technicalities of debating/arguing over shit. Children of Bodom are a cool band and I like their music.
If you don't like them, that's cool, but at least respect their talent. You can dislike a band and understand that they have talent at the same time.