Your random annoyance of the day

Tumor-like being a big pus-bubble thing over the side of the nail? That's what all of mine looked like, every time... imagine snowboarding with one of those - I did it for two years before realizing it wasn't going to go away on it's own. When the doctor finally cut it out and showed me the nail spike that was growing downwards, it was almost 1/2" long and sharp as fuck, and I was told I was 1-2 months from having it poke through the bottom of my toe entirely. Worst pain I've ever felt in my life... so insane that toes can hurt that bad.

Yeah that describes mine exactly. Was insanely long when it was pulled out, although mine didn't really hurt THAT bad. I'm going snowboarding for the first time in a few months (been skiing my whole life but never tried boarding), so I wanted to get this sorted out before then. Hopefully this'll be a permanent solution.

uhh.. to add to the random annoyances?
I saw an article in mX (daily train newspaper) about a study done at some University, and the professors claimed that the words "beast", "critter" and, yes, "pet" were derogatory to animals, and we needed to start calling them "animal companions" so that we can move forward without discrimination. What the fuck?
went to a well known audio website to buy autotune for a studio I'm working at. Placed order yesterday. Nothing came to my email. Call them..... "oh yeah sorry man we're sold out, we're trying to get a serial number right now". So I decide to purchase autotune EFX so I can at least run it live on the rig...they don't process that order either, and now they are going till monday...

Awesome night out with my girlfriend probably going to be marred significantly by a goddamn fucking mobile speed camera. May have been done twice by it going both ways during the night. Definitely flashed doing about 8kph over heading in the direction it was pointing, but earlier I was doing at least 20kph over the limit going the other way. Road was two lanes either side seperated by a decently sized median strip, and I was in the lane furthest from it. It's going to be floating in the back of my mind for weeks! FUCK!
Don't you just fucking hate getting a CD in the post that's still in the plastic wrap but the case is has cracks and the front part of the case falls off?
Pisses me off! Glad I have a stockpile of empty cases.

Got some Miles Davis double CD's with those big bulky cases that have cracks in the cases (again, brand new) and those cases are hard to get hold of. Bastards.