Your random annoyance of the day

okay.. I just hit my elbow for the third time today and it seriously hurts so much I think I'm going to crap my pants. What the FUCK is wrong today? I managed to slam my elbow against something three times, hit my knee superhard four times (!) and I hit my head at sharp corners two fucking times, I even had blood smeared all over my hair. FUCK
I'll never build a studio again godfuckingdamnit
Come to Qatar, it's a wonderful 44C the shade...

Plus central AC went out at the office. At least my desk is dead in front of the split AC, which is alsh the last one working :)
It's so fucking hot outside, 30 but we're feeling 39. Holy shit.


And this leads to I fucking hate my job, I have to push carts outside for hours :mad:.

And I also hate to track metal drummers. Took 5-6 hours to track ONE song, and then in the evening I tracked drums for an alternative rock band, took about 30 mins by song. FUUUUUUU
Tumor-like being a big pus-bubble thing over the side of the nail? That's what all of mine looked like, every time... imagine snowboarding with one of those - I did it for two years before realizing it wasn't going to go away on it's own. When the doctor finally cut it out and showed me the nail spike that was growing downwards, it was almost 1/2" long and sharp as fuck, and I was told I was 1-2 months from having it poke through the bottom of my toe entirely. Worst pain I've ever felt in my life... so insane that toes can hurt that bad.

Reminds me of this thread:
I got paid £120 less this month than I should have. Not a big deal, but fucking annoying none-the-less.
So today was the 'resolution' day in the HR department when they correct pay disputes and give employees any pay they missed. They didn't sort mine out and now any overdue pay won't be given until next month, so now it's A FUCKING MASSIVE PROBLEM! When I get to work tomorrow I am going to smash some heads together! :mad:

This means that I can't make my last payment on my holiday now without going over drawn on my account which incurs a fine of the amount over drawn (£100), a payment to the bank of the monies overdrawn and then an administrative charge of £50. So because of this fuck up, I either don't get my holiday (I get a refund of the already made payments minus an admin charge) or I let my account go overdrawn and face a nice £250 fine.

I might let my account go overdrawn and then chase my employer for the money I lost from the fine, since it was their mistake that put me in this position. :(
Not helping, am I?
Not at all :lol:

Hopefully they'll issue me a check instead of using PAYE so I won't have to wait until next month, but I doubt it. And who needs lawyers these days? Fill out a grievance form and watch it all sort itself out, over 6 months of course aha.
General onsite calls and says "We need you to make a couple of parts right away." "No problem," I say, "just send the part sheets and I'll get them going." "We need them today." "I'll take a look at them and let you know if that's possible."
Email shows up a moment later with a 9-page RFI (request for information) that's not even approved by DSA (state architect aka God). There are 100 1/2" high-tensile steel plate parts and most of them bevel on both sides. "You're not getting these today, are you joking?" "No, we need those right away."
Killin' me.
Won an ebay auction, but can't pay it because Paypal is giving me an error and they say I need to contact my bank...
The Adams? :D
I had that - or at least a similar message - recently, it was because the payment was over 1500€. I don't know at what value they do it, but I had to transfer the money to my paypal account first, normally PayPal accepts the payment immediately and the sum is taken from my bank account.

Good luck anyway. Sometimes I just take the risk and pay via bank transfer, and I wasn't scammed until now, but you never know. :guh:
No not the Adams (damn you with your picture, lol), just a plugin :) (actually I might not get the Adams but something else)

It's not a big purchase (306$) but I found out what the problem is. I'm new in this bank (I switched a month ago) and I'm limited to 1500 euros purchases per month with my card. This sucks but can only be changed (if I ask for it and they accept) after 4 months in this bank. So I guess I'll pay by checks more in real shops and save my card for online purchases...
Went to get a tattoo last thursday... lost my wallet... going out of my mind cause of the £50 in it and all my cards... cancelled them all... (got my tattoo done, guy says i can pay later) get home... wallet in other pants... Ffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu

to top that... HSBC wont send a card to my new address or local branch, just to my mam's house across the country... so i don't get that until tomorrow... had to take an hour off work this morning to go get some money out so i can eat...
My chair broke, so I spend an hour trying to fix it ...with guitar strings. It worked for about half an hour but then it broke again so now I have to buy a new chair..
Fucking loose.