Your random annoyance of the day

Nah, I don't think I was clear enough. Sometimes things make more sense in my head :)

Happy birthday man! I know how you feel, my father is in the army so I spent many birthdays without him. It can really suck! Just be sure to catch up later

Well, mine isn't here as in he's in a jar with a name tag in my mom's house, if you get my drift, so catching up can be difficult :lol:
I was supposed to pick up a few cymbals today and play them at my band's rehearsal... It was one of those things where a company ships goods from one person to another, and once it's arrived to a nearby office you have to pay for the product to redeem it.

My fucking debit card wouldn't work for no reason... There's enough money on the account (double-checked this), I shouldn't have any restrictions on the account on how much you can pay/withdraw in one occasion... What the fuck gives??

So the office closed and I couldn't pick them up, I'll probably need to wait until monday if I don't have enough time tomorrow, to both fix this problem and actually visit the office again.
Lead guitarist leaves the band between sessions and he still needs to do their parts.
All the fucking cancels because of that is starting to annoy the fuck out of me
My new phone delivery has been delayed for two weeks now, they keep giving me crappy excuses.
Also today my boss told me that next monday I have to take the company van and drive 1100km for some equipments demonstrations! I love it when they give you some time to plan stuff...
Having to get up at 5am to go to a University of Sheffield open day because I forgot to book some accommodation for last night. So instead of travelling up last night I had to go this morning, I have never felt like such a goon before aha.

On the bright-side the open day was really good, and their bio-sciences labs were amazing. And it narrowed my list down to UEA, University of Nottingham and University of Sheffield. :)

Oh and the fuck off big recommended reading list they gave me may prove annoying :lol:
Was supposed to borrow a VHT D120 and a Framus Cobra for tracking this weekend... now the dude is "out of town" after I told him the dates I needed the amps... however, I know a shitload of musicians and scored a Road King to use instead
Getting in the car to head to the airport and Delta Airlines calls me to tell me my flight is cancelled and that they have booked me on a 3 hour lay over tomorrow morning in Memphis when I am flying to Wisconsin from DC for my 21st. Delta can fuck off. Got a one way to Milwaukee tomorrow morning on Frontier.
Not having a location and having to record on convenience type basis with a friends band- then literally no word from any of them for 3 weeks, stopping when session is 90% complete during post... fail

Having your 18 week old SM7 develop a short in the input overnight- then discovering it the night of vocal tracking... fml

Being stuck in an apartment... Did I forget that part?
Full cup of coffee... On me, on my light colored pants and shirt, on my laptop, on my cell phone, on my everything... Still 5 hours till I can leave the office. FFFFUUUUUUUU!

*Thank god it was cold.
Seems like women like destroying my fucking heart. Pls god...sent me a woman thats not raping my mind. I CAN´T FUCKING SLEEP.
Ordered a new interface from (USA). Here in Brazil the importation tax is 100% of the "product + the shipping", so I´m basically paying everything 2x.

The UPS box arrived yesterday.
I open the box.
The product is there.
And so is a fucking 500 pages huge magazine with the complete Sweetwater catalog.

Thanks Sweetwater, for making this heavy useless piece of shit travel half world at my expense.
Living back with the folks again is a nightmare - having to watch your ten cigarettes a day father try and educate you as to why protein shakes are bad for you when he can't laugh without coughing is embarrassing.