Your random annoyance of the day

Being paid $80.10 by the organizer for our last show because 'finances were strained'. Told us the night before that instead of being paid on a $x.xx per-head figure as is our norm, he'd be paying us 10% of the night's profits. The headlining band (whom he was in a member of) obviously spent all their money paying for the half-dozen or so random fat sluts they hired to jump around on stage covered in fake blood (not even joking) - not to mention the three "burlesque" acts performed between bands while they were setting up (read also: more whales with tacky lingerie awkwardly pretending they knew what they were doing). Venue was close to capacity to boot, would have cleared ~$2500 on door sales.

Absolutely fucking disgraceful, there's already few enough shows being organised in the perth metal scene and wankers like this are NOT helping.
Being paid $80.10 by the organizer for our last show because 'finances were strained'. Told us the night before that instead of being paid on a .xx per-head figure as is our norm, he'd be paying us 10% of the night's profits. The headlining band (whom he was in a member of) obviously spent all their money paying for the half-dozen or so random fat sluts they hired to jump around on stage covered in fake blood (not even joking) - not to mention the three "burlesque" acts performed between bands while they were setting up (read also: more whales with tacky lingerie awkwardly pretending they knew what they were doing). Venue was close to capacity to boot, would have cleared ~$2500 on door sales.

Absolutely fucking disgraceful, there's already few enough shows being organised in the perth metal scene and wankers like this are NOT helping.

Did you have a contract on black and white?

If not, always make one from now on with the organizers, every single time.
Did you have a contract on black and white?

If not, always make one from now on with the organizers, every single time.

I've been cracking the shits with the rest of the band about doing this from now on, granted we're really only in it for shits and giggles and we're normally fine with word contracted shows (seeing as we usually get paid a real amount of money from any serious organiser :bah:) - but I'm not letting a repeat of this happen. What they paid us hasn't even covered our transport costs to get there and back (6 band members, 5 cars, at least a combined 200km travelled that night).
Have to drop the car at the shop today for inspection. And it'll most likely be days before they even get to look at it, let alone do what needs to be done for it to pass inspection. trying to hang with this chick I've been talking to over the weekend....and have no car.
Dumbass singer stepped on my guitar cable at a show, and one of the wires connecting the socket came loose. No sound, and I don't have a solder kit. To make matters worse, a good friend who lives miles away is visiting tomorrow and now I won't have a guitar to jam with him.

Dumbass singer stepped on my guitar cable at a show, and one of the wires connecting the socket came loose. No sound, and I don't have a solder kit. To make matters worse, a good friend who lives miles away is visiting tomorrow and now I won't have a guitar to jam with him.


so you have like, one guitar cable and that´s it? No replacement? :loco:
My Profire just died
Also, dunno if I should have made the move to a girl today, but she's the damn ex of one of my very best friends :loco:

Alcohol please fix it
This isn't really an annoyance of the DAY more like "of the month". I've sent my recently bought i7 2600k based pc to the tech to check some issues and they have been saying it's the MB then the Ram then again de MB. It's been more than a fucking month.
Annoyance... My fucking band that has always something to goddamn complain about my mix for the EP; when one is happy, the other tells me "but heh, I don't like that". We're supposed to have a couple of songs to be ready on July 12 so we can choose between them for a compilation, but right now I only have one ready and I'm leaving home for New Jersey from July 2 to 8. Fuck them.
Annoyance... My fucking band that has always something to goddamn complain about my mix for the EP; when one is happy, the other tells me "but heh, I don't like that". We're supposed to have a couple of songs to be ready on July 12 so we can choose between them for a compilation, but right now I only have one ready and I'm leaving home for New Jersey from July 2 to 8. Fuck them.

Are they paying you to do it? Tell them to eat shit and die, they get what you give them.

If they're NOT paying you to do it, tell them to eat shit and die and don't give them anything until they stop whining.