Your random annoyance of the day

Trying to register my studio officially.. omfg. German agencys are horrible. I talked to what felt like 100 different people and everybody wants 2000 documents and licenses etc. Plus they work like 2 hours a week so it's impossible to get this shit done. FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Fucked up the capsule in my finger today. Any suggestions how to treat it? I'm most concerned that this shit could hinder the agility of my finger.. which would suck for a guitarist
Legs day sucks, all those squats have me walking around like John Wayne for the rest of the day.
Despite my usual policy on the subject, I booked an hourly session today for a family friend. Not my friend or anyone I actually know, but someone who was close to my extended family.

Supposed to be a 2 hour vocal session. I never EVER do these unless it's a favor, and I certainly never do them on saturdays.....But today I decided I would.

They didn't show up, didn't call, and when I call them it goes right to voicemail.

Last favor I do ever.
Seems like we're at war with the neighbours now. They don't want us to park our car on that parking area infront of their house. Although we now even got an confirmation that this car is allowed to stay there.
Today or tonight somebody threw an egg on our car.
Good lord, I thought we're in Düsseldorf and not in the slums...
Had a drummer in today that brought the shittiest gear, only crash he had literally was only about half a cymbal. Used all my hardware,cymbals and kit. I'd a good few problems to solve throughout the day both related to the session and not so wasn't paying the fullest attention.
He completely dismantled all my cymbal and tom stands and put back them together in such a way that I really can't understand. basically what would hold up 3 rack toms and 4 cymbals now holds 1 tom and 2 cymbals with random parts left over and I've absolutely no idea how to put them back as they were. Only realised it after they'd finished and left and I'm actually stunned both as to why he would have done this and as to how I didn't spot it earlier.
drummers....god damn it, tracking drums for 13 hours straight surely reminds you why any AE should hate them with a passion.

jack daniels, here i come. good night.

Yay! Will have to send it to Pace for license recovery...don't know if it's too late to pay for the ZDT so I can have temporal licences to keep working while they fix this bullshit...