Your random annoyance of the day

Yesterday I was going to plug in my bass into the amp. It seemed to glitch a little bit so I pulled out the cable and found out that the tip of the cable had broke of in the amp. Can't get it out and the cable is broken. Can't use another cable in there either because of the piece stuck in there. I was fucking lucky that it was the small amp I use at home and not the amp I use at our rehearsal room. Too bad I have to throw it away though :/

And no, I was not violent at all. Just my luck :cry:
Yesterday I was going to plug in my bass into the amp. It seemed to glitch a little bit so I pulled out the cable and found out that the tip of the cable had broke of in the amp. Can't get it out and the cable is broken. Can't use another cable in there either because of the piece stuck in there. I was fucking lucky that it was the small amp I use at home and not the amp I use at our rehearsal room. Too bad I have to throw it away though :/

And no, I was not violent at all. Just my luck :cry:

throw it away??? are u crazy?? just open the damn thing up! i'm sure u own a screwdriver...
My wrist is messed up from all the hours spent mousing, and my ears are ringing. Bah.
Well, maybe not throw it away. I will at least give it a shot at opening it up first. Just annoyed as hell atm ;)

It should be easy to fix if you can get to the jack inside. If the jack isn't sealed you can probably pull it out with your fingers, if the jack is plastic there might be a hole at the end you can push a nail through.

Use good cables dude!
going to see insanely talented and classy musicians, and having drunk douches in the crowd yelling out requests between songs =/
i was tempted to just yell out "FREEEEEEBIIIIIIIRD!", because that always does the trick with those asshole, but like i said - it was a pretty classy artist and venue both, so i just left it alone
The singer of my old band still blames me for the fact he's not in a band anymore. This is despite the fact that we caught him in a huge bullshit lie involving band money and completely disbanded instead of kicking him out and letting everyone know what a giant cockhole he is. I made a post about closing my studio on Facebook and he made his own saying karma is a bitch using some of the same phrasing I did, like he's so fucking clever. It's been almost a year since I've even talked to him, he needs to get the fuck over it.
Usually that works, but I'm kinda constipated right now and I think part of it is the heat. Fingers crossed though that the coffee and woven wheat thins work!! :lol:
Someone had drunk all the milk when I woke up today so I couldn't get my morning cup of tea. :(

had a little it of a sore throat yesterday evening, woke up around 3 in the morning because I almost couldn't breath
and already had about 40°C fever, I feel sooooo fucked up right now, by head feels like someone is hammering against
it, almost can't talk and there's sooo much stuff to do today...