Your random annoyance of the day

Not an earwig, not a cockroach.. but this:


worked 8:30am-10pm yesterday, 6:30am-10pm today, working 6:30am-6:30pm tomorrow. all i want is to play some guitar and drink some beer...FML.
im at the annoying stage of drumming where if i play too much i get blisters, and if i dont play enough my skin is too soft... so i get blisters... god dammit
All 3 bands i've been working on EP's for broke up, needless to say i won't be seeing any money from any of them.....

Start charging by the hour/ day! If you did work, punch some motherfuckers til they give you the money you deserve. You can't just go into a restaurant, eat appetizers and then not expect to pay for anything at all because you aren't going to order dinner. Fuck that. It amazes me when people expect to not have to pay for things.....
Spent the whole morning installing, upgrading and generally fucking around with Windows development tools, rather than, you know, actually doing any development.

Hours (and tens of Gigabytes) later and i'm still at it and nowhere near even getting started with my original objective. The only times I ever contemplate suicide is when dealing with Windows.
Nose hair

oh fuck nose hair man. i get enough of it to weave a scarf. plus every few months or so i notice i've got two loooong-ass strands in both of my nostrils that hurt like hell to remove!

i've been looking at those electronic nose hair removers, but i'm a bit scared they feel horrible to use, anyone have any experience on those?
it's everyone's problem though. come on, we've discussed urinating in the shower, testicular pain and our own shit on here, how could it go any lower?? :lol:
oh fuck nose hair man. i get enough of it to weave a scarf. plus every few months or so i notice i've got two loooong-ass strands in both of my nostrils that hurt like hell to remove!

i've been looking at those electronic nose hair removers, but i'm a bit scared they feel horrible to use, anyone have any experience on those?

Go for an electric nose trimmer dude. Never pull them out, you could get a staph infection, I'm not kidding.

But yeah, nose hair is a pain in the ass (nose).
Dealing with a troublesome band. They haven't a clue what they want in the mixes and because one of them has experience in recording them before he thinks he can constantly try and tell me how to do my job even though they hired me because their own mixes sounded garbage.

I keep getting texts and calls about things he just read about or heard. He just told me that parallel compression on the drums is the tool I need to use to get it sounding right, even though I've been using it all along.

Whats nearly worse is that I've just read an interview where they say all sorts of problems like gear failure and crashing computers is setting their recording way back. We lost like 20-30 minutes the first day to a sync error and they've not stopped going on about it since. They claimed they lost at least a day and asked me to give them more time for free as it was my problem. They only booked 2 days of tracked for what has now turned out to be an album.

They also seem to think that set up time shouldn't exist, like once we finished tracking the band live they wanted to do some guitar overdubs and grew very impatient when I said it take a couple of minutes to re route the mics and headphones. Same with vocals, we had to do them instantly and there were again complaining that they were losing time to equipment failure even though we were setting gear up and I wanted to try a few different mics on his voice to find the one that fit.

I've had several talks with them at this stage about how it works when you're recording and how they didn't book nearly enough time. I even asked them if they wanted to just stop and mix it themselves at home because of the amount of crap I've dealt with.
had my both lower wisdom teeth removed a few hours ago. feels bad man. the dentist almost took my head off while trying to remove them.

anesthesia is wearing off and the pain is setting in, i keep spitting blood and i won't be able to eat anything proper for days. FUCK evolution for leaving some of us wisdom teeth