Your random annoyance of the day

it's everyone's problem though. come on, we've discussed urinating in the shower, testicular pain and our own shit on here, how could it go any lower?? :lol:

We? You mean ahjteam, right?

had my both lower wisdom teeth removed a few hours ago. feels bad man. the dentist almost took my head off while trying to remove them.

anesthesia is wearing off and the pain is setting in, i keep spitting blood and i won't be able to eat anything proper for days. FUCK evolution for leaving some of us wisdom teeth

I feel ya. "It'll hurt for a couple of days", they said. "This will be over in ten minutes", the doctor said.

In the end, the doctor yanked, pulled and mutilated the tooth for 55 minutes straight. It literally does feel like your head is about to rip off. My neck, jaw, and shoulders were sore as hell from the non-stop ravaging. I bled like a stuck pig for three days, couldn't speak for four days and the pain wore off after two weeks. It was ridiculous. Hope it goes better for you man!
my brother is a dentist and you won't believe me how often people's jaws are broken
while removing the wisdom teeth ;) if you're jaw is not broken, feel lucky!

I am sooo glad that my jaw is big enough and my wisdom teeth don't need to be

Lack of motivation, working as a freelancer can suck my balls atm...
My random annoyance was my MBP constantly throwing up CPU errors during a mix confirmation session with a band. At no point in the entire recording or mix process did it even struggle, but as soon as the band were in the room, BAM it would play back a track.

Reloading shotguns, or octopus sharks for example. WTF? Trying to read posts and see that shit. :bah:

I see your point, but just so you know you can block signatures so you don't have to see them. I think people in this forum are quite decent with their signatures, I've seen forums where they're so big and pointless it makes threads a pain to scroll through.
I have been the full surgery route for my 4 wisdom teeth removal 10 years ago, I recommend it if you can. It's usually a good idea if you have to remove all of them. The good thing as a patient is that it needs a full anesthesia, so you just wake up after the intervention without your teeth and just deal with the second effects like looking like a hamster and eating liquids. But no direct pain, everything happened while you were dreaming. It's still a full anesthesia which is never without risk but I couldn't imagine myself just go to the dentist for that and spend hours of pain. In the end, it makes it cleaner, for the dentist surgeon it's easier because he just deals with an inanimated body, does his incision, removes the tooth, does this 4 times, and done. You wake up, you feel a little pain after a while, you can't eat a steak for 5 days, but you can talk and rest at home for a few days and if you're not afraid of what you look like you can even have a normal life !

The bad thing is that it needs hospitalisation (I think I spent one day at hospital) and as said already it involves a full anesthesia.

I'm with guitarhack, though it's nice this forum is not too crazy on signature pictures. I find it easier to read when people have a decent sized signature, it's better when you can have more than 2 posts on the same screen without the need to scroll and distinguish what is the text and what is the signature !
I feel ya. "It'll hurt for a couple of days", they said. "This will be over in ten minutes", the doctor said.

In the end, the doctor yanked, pulled and mutilated the tooth for 55 minutes straight. It literally does feel like your head is about to rip off. My neck, jaw, and shoulders were sore as hell from the non-stop ravaging. I bled like a stuck pig for three days, couldn't speak for four days and the pain wore off after two weeks. It was ridiculous. Hope it goes better for you man!

thanks. yeah, my jaw is still kinda sore, but it's healing. i've heard some people get so bad they can only eat soup for a month or so.
just bought a used battery for my macbook for 50€, which isn't a genuine Apple battery which the seller failed to properly mention. my macbook says it "needs service", although it does work. i don't think i want to pay for that shit though, it's a $37 dollar replacement after all and seems to be malfunctioning.

at least we agreed that i wouldn't need to pay until the battery checks okay, so i can still send it back. guess i should just fork out the 100€ for a new, genuine battery.
I have been the full surgery route for my 4 wisdom teeth removal 10 years ago, I recommend it if you can. It's usually a good idea if you have to remove all of them. The good thing as a patient is that it needs a full anesthesia, so you just wake up after the intervention without your teeth and just deal with the second effects like looking like a hamster and eating liquids. But no direct pain, everything happened while you were dreaming. It's still a full anesthesia which is never without risk but I couldn't imagine myself just go to the dentist for that and spend hours of pain. In the end, it makes it cleaner, for the dentist surgeon it's easier because he just deals with an inanimated body, does his incision, removes the tooth, does this 4 times, and done. You wake up, you feel a little pain after a while, you can't eat a steak for 5 days, but you can talk and rest at home for a few days and if you're not afraid of what you look like you can even have a normal life !

The bad thing is that it needs hospitalisation (I think I spent one day at hospital) and as said already it involves a full anesthesia.

I'm with guitarhack, though it's nice this forum is not too crazy on signature pictures. I find it easier to read when people have a decent sized signature, it's better when you can have more than 2 posts on the same screen without the need to scroll and distinguish what is the text and what is the signature !

isn't it impossible to eat pretty much anything for like a week, though? 4 teeth at once sounds pretty radical.

and yeah guess i should switch my signature. i've seen enough of reloading-an-awesome-double-barreled-shotgun in the actual game.
All my family belongings are about to get seized. Because of a dept my father couldn't pay. Now I have to remove all my gear and equipment as soon as
put a ridiculously low price on something and people asking if the price is negotiable??? WTF? Yes of course I gonna give it for free and let me give some money for bothering you.