Your random annoyance of the day

started building a guitar, 40 year old cherrywood that my grandpa stored at home,
looks awesome, really heavy and dry, but goddamn, that shit is soooooo hard, even
with the big industry bandsaw it was hard to get in shape.
I am pretty sure that it's going to take years to get all the routing done...
the guys who think female Olympic Athletes are "sexy-as-hell"
(Thank God that the Olympics are over)

and the seemingly-semi-blind-guys attracted to buns-of-steel on a female that somehow or another can't quite seem to see the difference between this
and this

with the first link being women i'd love to bang
and the second link being women i find disgusting
seriously disturbs me how any man can compare the 2 links
and also disturbs me how any "straight" man can be sexually atracted to buns-of-steel
lost my glasses (probably in a bar), plus bitchin girlfriend, couldn't type because my keyboard passed out and I was using screen type, I was even talking bussiness with dat... (thankfully I pull it of).
All my family belongings are about to get seized. Because of a dept my father couldn't pay. Now I have to remove all my gear and equipment as soon as

sad to hear that. Stay strong man' !
When a band tells you and three other different studios simultaneously they are recording a record with you in December and call every studio in the area out on being unprofessional when they can't even make their mind up who to record with or stump up a 600 quid budget for three songs between 5 and call that too expensive.
I see your point, but just so you know you can block signatures so you don't have to see them. I think people in this forum are quite decent with their signatures, I've seen forums where they're so big and pointless it makes threads a pain to scroll through.

I know this is almost a month old but just read it so....

I've had signatures turned off in options for a few years - makes reading threads so much more enjoyable. Aside from threads where people need help with systems and such where having possible setup specs in a signature might be helpful, most just take up space and while some may be funny for the first read , they eventually just become visual speed bumps and the humor factor gets old quick.
the guys who think female Olympic Athletes are "sexy-as-hell"
(Thank God that the Olympics are over)

and the seemingly-semi-blind-guys attracted to buns-of-steel on a female that somehow or another can't quite seem to see the difference between this
and this

with the first link being women i'd love to bang
and the second link being women i find disgusting
seriously disturbs me how any man can compare the 2 links
and also disturbs me how any "straight" man can be sexually atracted to buns-of-steel

sort of vaguely annoyed that nobody seemed to give a rat's ass about this^^^ post i made
Girl troubles. My girlfriend and I are living in an apartment together- that I spent six months sleeping in a car to save up for a deposit and rent towards. She comes from a conservative theater-influenced part in Spokane. Super nice, smart- not the type to make shitty rash decisions...

Sacramento if full of scumbags with nothing to do and to keep things short and simple, she's been spending too much time with these fucking hipster losers she managed to make friends with. She goes out 'drinking with friends' and doesn't come home until 2-3 in the morning. Mind you these are 'friends' whose names I've never heard of and never been introduced to.

The other night I didn't hear from her for the greater part of 8 hours or so and she didn't come home until 5:30 in the morning. So I flipped out and asked her what the deal was. I mean- we're both working fulltime and going through normal couple shit where we have to work with communication and better ourselves with time/stress management. She's back staying with her mom for a few days to let things cool down. Made no effort to communicate and my cousin ran into her at some club dancing all over some dude the other night- which after talking to my girl was supposedly a misunderstanding...? Her complaint is that I don't do enough and that she is scared to talk to me about things because she thinks I'll get mad at her being stressed about work...? She doesn't drive- so I take her everywhere she needs to go and I've been home every night playing my part. I'd rather not write an essay about it but it sucks because I've become a social hermit with the amount of time I spend working. And I know I'm NOT not doing enough- I'm the whole reason why she's able to live here.

Shit is retarded and I can't stand people that run away from their problems. It's a communication issue on her end because I've been trying to better myself while she's out fucking around. I'm stuck in this apartment with nowhere to go and no option out other than hoping things work out for the best. Hate this shit and hate being left in the dark.
Spilled milk all over my Macbook Pro... It was three and a half years old though, and I've been planning on getting a new one. And the tech who took a look at it said that the insurance just might cover a new laptop, so fingers crossed. If not I'll have to postpone getting a Kemper, which would SUCK.
Leaving Studio Fredman after an awesome week there :(

Realising i'm about the only one out of all my friends who wasn't at/watching the pay per view live stream of Devin Townsend's retinal circus last night, mostly because Jed came out and played some strapping young lad (detox and love).

Words cannot describe the jealousy
Spilled milk all over my Macbook Pro... It was three and a half years old though, and I've been planning on getting a new one. And the tech who took a look at it said that the insurance just might cover a new laptop, so fingers crossed. If not I'll have to postpone getting a Kemper, which would SUCK.

News on this one, the insurance will cover 70% of the cost of a new Macbook Pro(only 70% since it was more than three years old).

Oh how I love living in a first world country :)