Your random annoyance of the day

Have had some DAW related annoyances this week. First, we were writing new songs for our band, and constantly ran into crackles and pops in Logic. Well, no wonder, my CPU's completely loaded all the time :lol:!


Also, editing a song's worth of drums that's well over 15 minutes long, has loads of time signature changes and tons of triplets, in PT with BD, then finally hitting smooth:


And having this damn error pop up again:


It just stays there and the task manager window seems to "vibrate", since it keeps popping up and setting the focus into that window. I then have to force quit PT and do it all over again, this time doing the song in two halves, smoothing and checking the fades in the first part, then consolidating it and doing it for the end after that. Notice that it had taken PT about 40 minutes to try and draw the fades and fail, so it took me a nice 2 hours of extra work. Also, after force quitting PT, it wouldn't restart and asked me to authorize again, and froze if I clicked authorize, until I tried unplugging my iLok and connecting it in again.

Best part was that it was also an all-nighter, but that's just my own stupidity :lol: getting to sleep for 1 hour at 12:30 and leaving to record guitar for the whole day after that; I guess there's better ideas on how to spend your fridays. Even though we had loads of fun and ended up with having recorded almost all of the other guitarist's parts for that massive song.

Next time however, I'm going to be editing drums in Reaper, at least for this kind of material.
Goddamn animal torture pictures that people post on facebook (in this case of some random police cadet somewhere in this huge fucking country who abuses dogs) to "make a difference" - give me a fucking break, the only difference is you're now hidden from my news feed, I know this horrible shit occurs and I don't need to be cockslapped out of nowhere and made sick to my stomach by it
Six years of being together, of which four and a half years engaged and living together down the gutter. Fuck everything.

Really sorry to hear that dude - however, while I apologize for reopening old wounds, I seem to remember 1-2 years ago you posting about her leaving you...for a drummer? (lol) I'm guessing that went to shit and she showed up begging your forgiveness or something, only to fuck you over again; I know it doesn't feel like it now, but sounds like good riddance to me! Stay strong in any case my consonant-abusing Finnish friend.
Really sorry to hear that dude - however, while I apologize for reopening old wounds, I seem to remember 1-2 years ago you posting about her leaving you...for a drummer? (lol) I'm guessing that went to shit and she showed up begging your forgiveness or something, only to fuck you over again; I know it doesn't feel like it now, but sounds like good riddance to me! Stay strong in any case my consonant-abusing Finnish friend.

Nah man, that was another girl and another relationship that ended seven years ago. It's kinda ironic, though, that the woman I am... well, was engaged to used exactly the same words as my previous girlfriend did when pulling the plug.

Anyway, no-one else was related to this decision, just a matter of her losing the feelings she had for me.
Goddamn animal torture pictures that people post on facebook (in this case of some random police cadet somewhere in this huge fucking country who abuses dogs) to "make a difference" - give me a fucking break, the only difference is you're now hidden from my news feed, I know this horrible shit occurs and I don't need to be cockslapped out of nowhere and made sick to my stomach by it

Totally agree, it's cool to be against animal abuse (I think all sane, decent people are, right?), but posting pictures of it happening on Facebook isn't helping.
The girlfriend just dragged me five miles to see the filming of World war z, in the hope she'd get a look in at Brad Pitt.

Get dressed, go there, stand in the pissing rain, freezing cold and wind, and they've finished filming for the day so we see nothing.

I could've stayed in bed and drank tea :(
And another annoyance....

Girlfriend accidentally kneed me in the bollocks about two weeks ago. Swelled up to the size of a moroccan village and I still can't sit down or walk up the stairs properly.

She also accidentally smacked me in the face and split my lip, making eating painful.

And i'm fast running out of cigarettes.

On the plus side, 1000th post on this thread :D
And another annoyance....

Girlfriend accidentally kneed me in the bollocks about two weeks ago. Swelled up to the size of a moroccan village and I still can't sit down or walk up the stairs properly.

She also accidentally smacked me in the face and split my lip, making eating painful.

And i'm fast running out of cigarettes.

On the plus side, 1000th post on this thread :D

those aren't accidents.
