1.500.000 dead ppl...


Sep 10, 2001
not there
Today morning i watched a documentary film about the embargo that the mighty US have enforced onto IRAQ.

The facts (as presented by the mission of greek crue sent there esp. for this purpose):
- 1.500.000 ppl dead / the 500.000 of them kids.
- Many ppl will die soon cause of lack in medicine/food
- Native scientists have abadoned the country or have taken up various ways of living.
- A doctor said that there are many ppl w cancer that will die cause they don't have ecquipment and medicine to treat the patients.
- There was some kind of chemical war as the US army used 800 tons of uranium in its bombs. The pics i saw were by far worse than ones uploaded in rotten.com.
- Some US official for Arabic issues (this is not the exact title of her position, but it was somehting like that) admitted that the embargo has only hurt the poor ppl, whereas SADAM and the ppl arround him get only richer.

As the reportage mentions, the embargo takes place only for this cause:
- SADAM has signed contracts with european companies (some chinese even, as i recall) about exploring petroleum. If the embargo is lifted then these companies will take all the pieces of the cake excluding every company from the US, as they will begin exploring the wells of petroleum.
- If the regime of SADAM is called off from governing the country, a US-friendly goverment could (and will) be established there, calling off the contracts with the other companis and giving these contracts to US companies. Till something happens the embargo will go on. Till who knows how many more ppl die...

All the above are facts mentioned by the reporters. With no personal comments, whatsoever.

My personal comment is:
a big fuck off to the ppl who are responsible for this. I hope that they will soon die, slowly, being tortured while listening to the PoE (the track).
i can't stand bush's weasley ass, i'm sorry. i hate that fucker, i know that statement is blatantly idiotic, but i don't care. he is so full of shit and it is obvious he doesn't know what he is doing. he needs to get the fuck out of office.

however, all of this isn't totally his fault. nor is it the fault of any political party. i see it as simply political values being placed over natural human values. the US has been doing this for quite some time.

but bush's foreign policy is horrendous. and it is not just him. remember his daddy? and how if he had had any balls, sadam wouldn't be doing the shit he is today? we HAD this guy, people. and we let him go. and now look at the way things are.

if there is a God, why in the hell should He bless the USA?
:guh: No, not, that shit again... No, we had him and blah-blah shit. We talked about that moooonths ago. Just a statement and the aknowledgement to you of this situ.

PS: YesJerky Capone, i didn't make any political comments. This is fact. Comment on it, or go on w your online life wout having to judge this. :bah:
Criticizing a government that doesn't do it's job is political, yes.

I know the US government is a crock, I hear it every day... I'm trying to have a nice day without having to deal with the fact that this country is going to shit.
Originally posted by metalized
:guh: No, not, that shit again... No, we had him and blah-blah shit. We talked about that moooonths ago. Just a statement and the aknowledgement to you of this situ.

well excuse me, i wasn't there

not that it would have mattered to me anyway

were you not begging a response like this by creating your post? i mean, damn
Originally posted by Black Winter Day

well excuse me, i wasn't there

not that it would have mattered to me anyway

were you not begging a response like this by creating your post? i mean, damn
No, i was not begging for anything. :bah:
Originally posted by jimbobhickville
Hussein is withholding the drugs and supplies from his people, not the US. International aid shipments get seized by the government and warehoused instead of given to the people who need them so he can blame it on us. I'm surprised you guys believe his propaganda.

agree. Bush may be a dim bulb but let's be honest, the people who really form policy are the puppet string pullers behind the president.

Saddam has murdered his own people, even his own relatives; he's a psycho of the first order. there is no real doubt among rational thinkers that if he does not yet have biological and nuclear weapon capability, he soon will...and we'll see how some pathetic spineless nation like Greece comes groveling to the US when they become the recipient of his niceness.
Originally posted by Unregistered

agree. Bush may be a dim bulb but let's be honest, the people who really form policy are the puppet string pullers behind the president.

Saddam has murdered his own people, even his own relatives; he's a psycho of the first order. there is no real doubt among rational thinkers that if he does not yet have biological and nuclear weapon capability, he soon will...and we'll see how some pathetic spineless nation like Greece comes groveling to the US when they become the recipient of his niceness.

hahaha now that's a deja vu...reminded me of the whole "board versus dragonlord/metalized" situation after the september 11th attacks.greece hasn't been called a "third world shithole" yet this time though.btw you ppl can comfort your head with all the excuses you want-yeh,all the rest are the bad guys and bush is the good cowboy who comes to bring justice and peace on the planet cause he's a great person.let's see how this evolves-and no,metalized wasn't begging for an answer,i found it very informative and i wouldn't have known it without this post,as i dont watch tv and i visit very few sites.cheers
The US has been, and still is, guitly of very hypocritical standards when it comes to both foreign policy and in its excecution of human rights issues. Is Saddam a despot? Yeah, but that's not entirely the issue. Fact is, the US originally put him into the position of power he's in because of our then issues with Iran. The US continually condemns foreign countries for their civil and human rights failings, but when money/power are issues, we're just as bad. It was our meddling which allowed Hussein to achieve the power he did, and thusly, our indirect fault that hundreds of thousands of Iraquis starve and die. Too late to mind our business now, we should have removed him from power, just as we set him up, a long time ago and left Iraq, and most other countries, to rule themselves.
Originally posted by Dragonlord
hahaha now that's a deja vu...reminded me of the whole "board versus dragonlord/metalized" situation after the september 11th attacks.greece hasn't been called a "third world shithole" yet this time though.btw you ppl can comfort your head with all the excuses you want-yeh,all the rest are the bad guys and bush is the good cowboy who comes to bring justice and peace on the planet cause he's a great person.let's see how this evolves-and no,metalized wasn't begging for an answer,i found it very informative and i wouldn't have known it without this post,as i dont watch tv and i visit very few sites.cheers

Well, I wasn't around to talk about the whole 9/11 thing, which is probably a good thing because it's a near and dear topic to me, even to this day.

I don't believe Bush is the good "cowboy" as you put it, in fact I dislike his policies quite a bit. But if you think he makes decision by himself, you clearly don't understand the American political system. I don't profess to being knowledgeable about how Greece (or many other countries) work, but at least I don't go yapping my mouth off about it, making a bigger ass of myself in the process. All I know is that nearly everyone I've "met" from Europe, South America, Scandanavia, the Middle East, etc. always has loads of shit to talk about the USA and how we run our country and all the evil things we do worldwide. Yet what would you have us do?

In this case, stop the embargo to prevent the Iraqii people from dying? All so a fucking madman could impose his own embargo on his own people and they'd die anyway? Give me a fucking break. Sometimes, people who display their ignorance make me fucking sick. This is EXACTLY how I felt a few months after 9/11, and it is most likely how I'll feel til the day I die. Before you go making comments about something you don't understand, check yourself.
It's alright, I'm used to the whole anti-USA propaganda believed blindly by those who aren't from here. I don't like Bush much, but blaming Hussein's insane policies on the US is just ludicrous. I wish we would pull out of all foreign countries and close our borders. No more immigrants, no foreign policies, no more UN. I'd love to see the rest of the world blow itself up and come crying back to us for help.
Originally posted by markgugs
In this case, stop the embargo to prevent the Iraqii people from dying? All so a fucking madman could impose his own embargo on his own people and they'd die anyway?
..huh?then why don't you let him do it and take the blood on HIS hands?