10 essential death metal albums I MUST own!

High On Maiden said:
Can someone tell me whether Blood Red Throne are similar to bands like Crypotpsy, Nile, Suffocation, etc.? I've heard good things about them - are they worth investigating?

Blood Red Throne are more groovy and have more flow in their songs - and are easily better than all of the above mentioned bands, except the two first Cryptopsy-albums ;)
I'll second Death, Morbid Angel, Nile, At The Gates and Dying Fetus.

Get Some Macabre as well, then look for Crystal Age's Far Beyond Divine Horizons, it fucking rules.

Celtic Frost rules, they're more thrashy, but still good.
henrikmain said:
Blood Red Throne are more groovy and have more flow in their songs - and are easily better than all of the above mentioned bands, except the two first Cryptopsy-albums ;)

but Blood Red Throne better than Suffocation and Nile?

Depends what you like. Obviously, Blood Red Throne are nowhere near as complex or innovative as Suffocation or Nile.....but on the other hand, BRT write far groovier and catchier death metal, and overall, write some of the best riffery of all metal bands, easily outclassing Nile and Suffocation, who aren't about riffs. So if you like pure awesome riffery, you can't go wrong with Blood Red Throne.
Try getting these too:

Vile - Depopulate
Vehemence - God Was Created
Severe Torture - Misanthropic Carnage
Severe Torture - Butchery of The Soul
Severe Torture - Feasting on Blood
Krisiun - Conquerors of Armageddon
Kataklysm - In Shadows & Dust
Bloodbath - Breeding Death
Bloodbath - Ressurection Through Carnage
Skinless - Foreshadowing Our Demise
Rottuated said:
Try getting these too:

Vile - Depopulate
Vehemence - God Was Created
Severe Torture - Misanthropic Carnage
Severe Torture - Butchery of The Soul
Severe Torture - Feasting on Blood
Krisiun - Conquerors of Armageddon
Kataklysm - In Shadows & Dust
Bloodbath - Breeding Death
Bloodbath - Ressurection Through Carnage
Skinless - Foreshadowing Our Demise

This is the worst list I've seen yet.
This is a (very) rough list of 10 I've come up with based on what you've said, but also what I think I would personally like. I'm sure you'll argue that others should be on there instead, but this is MY list afterall :)

Here it is...

1. Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness
2. Cryptopsy - None So Vile
3. Suffocation - Pierced from Within
4. Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines (or one of the other two!)
5. At the Gates - Slaughter of the Soul
6. Mithras - Worlds Beyond the Veil
7. Death - Human (or The Sound of Perseverance)
8. Carcass - Necrotisicm
9. Gorguts - Obscura
10. Blood Red Throne - one of theirs

There's some others I have in mind, but I think I might aim to check out these albums first.

Are there any on that list that you think I should definitely change, based on the general theme of the list?
Definitely get "Affiliated With The Suffering" by Blood Red Throne. It's much better than their debut album. Trust me. Check out reviews at metal pages if you are in doubt ;)
Monument of Death is more accessible than Affiliated With The Suffering though....and BRT are my all time favourite death metal band........

MoD's production is much clearer than AwtS's, so you can discern all the riffing better. Besides, AwtS has a couple songs that are slightly weaker than the others, whereas every song on MoD is killer.

only my opinion, but I'm 100% on MoD being more accessible.....devilishly so.
SculptedCold said:
Monument of Death is much more accessible than Affiliated With The Suffering though.

Oh, but "Affiliated" is so slick, groovy, so full of flow.. "Monument" is more standard run-of-the-mill DM (very good, of course, but still) whereas "Affiliated" has those nice little touches that makes it an instant winner =)
Yeah I know, the touches like the lead towards the end of Bleeder's Lament, the drums in the title track, and the starts of Gathering the Dead and Chaos Rising.....yeah I know.....but as far as pure riffery goes, Monument of Death is more consistent. There's some uninspired stuff on AwtS, like Malediction, some bits of Chaos Rising, Dream of Death.........the cool thing abotu MoD is that every single riff on the entire album is delicious and catchy. AwtS although really cool and possessing those little touches like you said, isn't quite as consistent to me.