10 essential death metal albums I MUST own!

High On Maiden said:
Interesting. Are those two like Cryptopsy or Nile particularly? I was considering Vehemence, but didn't know what they were like.


Vehemence is a "brutality meets melody" death metal band. Rather catchy. The guitars are often playing small leads and melodies in the background instead of just plain chord riffery. I kind of enjoyed their latest album at the first couple of listens, but then I grew a bit tired of it (just like all melodic death metal records I've ever heard :p Way too catchy). Again, this is just my opinion, so you could find that you'd love Vehemence. They are not like Cryptopsy or Nile, though.
OK, I just ordered 3 albums from www.supernalmusic.co.uk - it's uK based, so free postage for me, and they're only about 10 quid each...

Nile - Black Seeds of Vengeance
Cryptopsy - None So Vile
Suffocation - Despise the Sun (would have gone for 'pierced from within' but it wasn't in stock)

That was as much as my financial situation would allow!

Have I made a good choice?
High On Maiden said:
Nile - Black Seeds of Vengeance
Cryptopsy - None So Vile
Suffocation - Despise the Sun (would have gone for 'pierced from within' but it wasn't in stock)

Have I made a good choice?

Yeah, good choice. Nile's "In Their Darkened Shrines" is perhaps a bit better than "BSOV", but it's a very good album. "None So Vile" is mandatory and brilliant. "Despise The Sun" is only an MCD with 5 tracks, so "Pierced From Within" or my favourite Suffocation album "Effigy Of The Forgotten" would have been better choices, but hey.
High On Maiden said:
OK, I just ordered 3 albums from www.supernalmusic.co.uk - it's uK based, so free postage for me, and they're only about 10 quid each...

Nile - Black Seeds of Vengeance
Cryptopsy - None So Vile
Suffocation - Despise the Sun (would have gone for 'pierced from within' but it wasn't in stock)

That was as much as my financial situation would allow!

Have I made a good choice?

BSOV and NSV are both killer albums. i don't have that Suffocation album so i don't know about it, but judging by their other albums it'll be good. BSOV is my favorite Nile album.
Good choices m8! Those three albums will definately start you off with good, solid brutal DM taste. ;o)

Krisiun are one of my all time fave death metal bands. BSW is absolutely right; a lot of their songs do sound the same; there's no great dynamics in their music, you just remember it all purely on the cool riffs. For their lack of development though, the sheer brutality, speed and unrelentlessness of them is really something worth experiencing! You get bands going faster (though not by much), heavier, more complicated and everything....but theres something about Krisiun that just makes them feel more intense.

One of my favourite metal songs; Iron Stakes by Krisiun. Check it out.
Well, I'm not a huge authority on DM but some of my favourites would be :

Vader - Litany
Amon Amarth - The Avenger
Dismember - Death Metal, Like An Everflowing Stream
Intestine Baalism - An Anatomy Of The Beast, Banquet In The Darkness
Opeth - Blackwater Park
Morbid Angel - Altars Of Madness
Immolation - Failures For Gods, Unholy Cult
Nile - Black Seeds Of Vengeance, In Their Darkened Shrines

That's probably more than 10
At the Gates - Slaughter of the soul, Terminal spirit disease
Death - Human, Individual thought patterns
Carcas - Heartwork

And if you like In Flames, Arch Enemy etc and want to get into the heavier stuff you'll love The Haunted (but I suppose you've heard them allready)
yep, I've heard The Haunted. Not bad, but since creating this thread I've decided I'm after the more brutal stuff to the melodic stuff.


P.S. I think what 'populated by the fathomless' was implying is that supernal music takes ages to deliver orders.

Does anyone esle know if this is the case? :(

Their site said usually within 1-2 days (for the UK)
I'd like to complete my Morbid Angel collection (I only have Blessed Are The Sick and Gateways to Annihilation so far)

Deicide - Deicide

Cryptopsy - Blesphemy Made Flesh