2008 Albums

New Moonspell is AMAZING

So far, the possible albums of the year for me are

Virgin Black
Warrel Dane
Murder By Death
Ashes Divide

It's turning out to be a decent year.
So far these new releases have been kicking my arse: Dead Congregation, Devastator, Exterminate, Ignivomous, Morbosidad, Necrovation, Proclamation.

Looking forward to: Profanatica, Havohej, Iced Earth, Toxic Holocaust, Acheron, Amebix dvd, Atomizer, Esoteric, Helcaraxe, Martire, October Falls, Unleashed, Venom, Witch, Resurrection and Revenge.

Plus I need to hear the new Thrice and listen to the new NIN (both releases) some more...and Ashes Divide...that takes care of non metal stuff :)

And I'm sure there are a quite a lot more.
Ihsahn,Bloodbath,Opeth, Mourning Beloveth, In Mourning, Isole, Moonsorrow, Moonspell, Agalloch. Some GREAT albums this year. Fantastic stuff.

Really looking forward to new Gojira and Keep of Kalessin.
I am really suprised at how GOOD the new Moonspell is. I used to hate this band up until now. When they headlined over Katatonia I left after 3 songs. Unfortunately they are quite boring live.
Yeah, I didn't like Memorial all that much and haven't heard Under Satanae or whatever it's called. Night Eternal is a VERY solid album to say the least.
Am I the only one who can't stand the distorted guitars in Poisonblack? I like the vocs but I hate those semi-metal downtuned guitars. Reminds of Gothenmallcore too much

Thats only on the last lust stained despair or whatever.
I honestly got sick of Poisonblack...re listened to the debut again and I don't know what I really saw in it. Second one also does nothing for me...was fun the first few listens....then blah. Third time, a charm?