2008 Political debate thread

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The thing with ongoing programs like Social Security, is they're like a highway that needs repaving. If you close the road, people will be pissed. But if you leave it as it is cause people demand to use it, eventually no one will be able to use it. The compromise? Take part (or all) of it down temporarily to fix it, endure the bitching, and open it again to satisfied consumers.

Social Security, if not fixed or done away with, will continue to rot like an infected wound. Nobody wants to take a hit for the team but if nobody budges, we are all going to take the hit, and that is one bong I do not want to smoke.

Dude... you don't smoke ANY bong.
bongs suck !

Careful, the FBI might be reading this.

Good, Ill give them the Jack Black treatment

Jimmy Carter signed the bill to extend SS to illegals.

Wow, I didnt know this, I used to like Jimmy, right up until now. So does this mean its now irreversable ? legals or illegals is should be off limits. Only for those that contribute. If our government wants to suppost them they can take them under their own wings and use their own expendable personal cash.

*Sigh* All I can do is shake my head in disgust. People that have such an ignorant understanding of science should NOT be allowed to hold office. These idiots are going to send us back to the dark ages.


Do people realize how important evolution is in biology!? These people can except the scientific method when it comes in the form of phones, computers, cars, but when it comes to evolution/biology all those who support it are degenerate atheists. Just ignore its applications to vaccinations that eradicate diseases. Fucktards.
Why's that? If a story is false, someone will correct it. It has less bias than any other news source, which is why I go there. The surplus of bias from contributors of various leanings cancels itself out. Would you prefer Fox?
I think both have their merits, but "the very best science" is a gross misunderstanding on his part. We don't need people like that in office.

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25214948/ This article about Gas and the Mass-Closing of Pumps is rather interesting. Exxon is selling ALL of their service stations.

I couldn't agree more, and I hope that McCain stays far away from him as a possible VP candidate...
I would feel comfortable betting money that there are more fallacious and errored (purposefully and otherwise) articles posted by Fox than by Wikipedia. Fox, CNN, ABC, NBC, and the rest - all have an agenda. Wikipedia eradicates agenda with peer judgment.

Exactly. People accuse Fox news of distorting things, but it really makes you wonder how trustworthy the rest are. Probably not much at all, which is why I don't watch the news anymore.
I don't trust any of them. Even wikipedia needs time for multiple authors to "fix" the story's bias. But I'd rather check there where I know eventually the truth will come out than a site that purports to be presenting it right from the start with no one to check them.
Thats some crazy stuff.

Christianity is getting scared. Fewer children being taught the bible every decade or generation. My daughter was not. We (my family & others) recieved the selective teachings of Protestant Sunday school in the 60's. I was never sold on it once I hit the independent thought/evaluation years.
Thats some crazy stuff.

Christianity is getting scared. Fewer children being taught the bible every decade or generation. My daughter was not. We (my family & others) recieved the selective teachings of Protestant Sunday school in the 60's. I was never sold on it once I hit the independent thought/evaluation years.


Non belief is growing in the US. Especially among evangelical Christianity, which is on the decline (Or they may be switching religions).

My grandparents where Catholic, my mom and aunt where raised in it (My aunt may be an atheist, not sure about my mom) and my cousin and I are both atheists. I know it's the same deal with my second cousins as well (Grandmas sister side). That's the main core of my immediate (Yet to reproduce) family.

Point is, at least from what I have seen among friends and family, agnosticism/atheism seems to be growing. I'm also willing to bet that some sects of Christianity will be radically different in a few years.

Also, damn there are a lot of religions!:OMG:
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