2008 Political debate thread

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Funny thing is they have nearly proven to be profits of current events, not that anybody with both eyes and the wire to the brian fully operable could have missed it, I just like that they always threw it right out there, but no one got it so it seems.

Anybody that walks out on stage holding a sign that says impeach, I can relate too, why do you say he's gone off the deep end ? I dont keep up with current affairs or gossip.
Mustaine's personality doesn't suit him for foreign relations, for example. He's kind of a selfish, egotistical asshole (blame Metallica of course). Tate has gotten very political, but while at his OM:1 mindset, he could have been a good choice, now he's gone to the other extreme.

And yeah, "I hate both candidates so I won't vote" is saying "My opinion is irrelevant." But wait, they will say they don't want to choose between bad and worse. I reply, how foolish. The ballots are not binary like the media. Choose the candidate of your choice, either write in, or choose your third-party runner. But wait again, they will say. What's the point if they will never win? To this, I simply say if you think no one will vote for Candidate C so you don't vote for them, you are creating the truth that you feared. Don't defeat yourself before you begin.
geeze... your gonna make me work for it......

Im not totally conclusive on those lyrics anyhow, I was actually thinking more along the lines of The Warning or Empire
Personally, I don't think we should be in Iraq at all. Standing up to tyrants is all fine and dandy, but it's worth remembering the Saddam was our tyrant for quite a long time and USA, Britain and all were quite happy to sell him weapons and allow him to gas Kurds and all that as long as he kept his nose clean with regard to our political interests. Nobody seems to be too interested in standing up to Robert Mugabe, probably because ther isn't a lot of oil in Zimbabwe! Unfortunately for Saddam, he overstepped the mark by invading Kuwait, which seemed to be the start of his downfall. I don't know about you guys in the USA, but in Britain we were sold Gulf War II by Tony Blair on the grounds that Saddam allegedly had weapons of mass destruction which he could deploy within 45 minutes. Now... anyone who kept their eye on the ball knew that he had no such arsenal, and the minor biological capability that he did have was sorted in the early 90s in the 1st Gulf War. Over here, that didn't really get the desired result publicly, so we got a bunch of crap told to us about Saddam's 'links with al Quaeda', which is also crap. Geopolitical issues and control of Iraqi oil are the obvious reasons for the invasion of Iraq, and personally I don't think we should be sacrificing our servicemen and women over a lie, or for a bunch of profiteering elites. But that's my own personal view and everyone's going to have theirs. Cool.

As a matter of interest how were you guys sold the idea of the war? And how party-line is your media? Is there balance in your TV and newspaper reporting or is it all in line with the government? Ours is pretty much in line with the government, but we do have our more balanced elements.
Personally, I don't think we should be in Iraq at all. Standing up to tyrants is all fine and dandy, but it's worth remembering the Saddam was our tyrant for quite a long time and USA, Britain and all were quite happy to sell him weapons and allow him to gas Kurds and all that as long as he kept his nose clean with regard to our political interests. Nobody seems to be too interested in standing up to Robert Mugabe, probably because ther isn't a lot of oil in Zimbabwe! Unfortunately for Saddam, he overstepped the mark by invading Kuwait, which seemed to be the start of his downfall. I don't know about you guys in the USA, but in Britain we were sold Gulf War II by Tony Blair on the grounds that Saddam allegedly had weapons of mass destruction which he could deploy within 45 minutes. Now... anyone who kept their eye on the ball knew that he had no such arsenal, and the minor biological capability that he did have was sorted in the early 90s in the 1st Gulf War. Over here, that didn't really get the desired result publicly, so we got a bunch of crap told to us about Saddam's 'links with al Quaeda', which is also crap. Geopolitical issues and control of Iraqi oil are the obvious reasons for the invasion of Iraq, and personally I don't think we should be sacrificing our servicemen and women over a lie, or for a bunch of profiteering elites. But that's my own personal view and everyone's going to have theirs. Cool.

As a matter of interest how were you guys sold the idea of the war? And how party-line is your media? Is there balance in your TV and newspaper reporting or is it all in line with the government? Ours is pretty much in line with the government, but we do have our more balanced elements.

All of our media over here is biased propaganda. Keith Olbermann seems to be the only newscaster who is open about his disapproval of Bush and removal of our privileges... oh I mean rights. He kind of bothers me, but at least it's a step in the right direction.

I have heard rumors the past few days that The Pentagon forged a letter with one of Iraq's leaders signatures to sell the public of in Iraq's involvement with terrorists.
Personally, I don't think we should be in Iraq at all. Standing up to tyrants is all fine and dandy, but it's worth remembering the Saddam was our tyrant for quite a long time and USA, Britain and all were quite happy to sell him weapons and allow him to gas Kurds and all that as long as he kept his nose clean with regard to our political interests. Nobody seems to be too interested in standing up to Robert Mugabe, probably because ther isn't a lot of oil in Zimbabwe! Unfortunately for Saddam, he overstepped the mark by invading Kuwait, which seemed to be the start of his downfall. I don't know about you guys in the USA, but in Britain we were sold Gulf War II by Tony Blair on the grounds that Saddam allegedly had weapons of mass destruction which he could deploy within 45 minutes. Now... anyone who kept their eye on the ball knew that he had no such arsenal, and the minor biological capability that he did have was sorted in the early 90s in the 1st Gulf War. Over here, that didn't really get the desired result publicly, so we got a bunch of crap told to us about Saddam's 'links with al Quaeda', which is also crap. Geopolitical issues and control of Iraqi oil are the obvious reasons for the invasion of Iraq, and personally I don't think we should be sacrificing our servicemen and women over a lie, or for a bunch of profiteering elites. But that's my own personal view and everyone's going to have theirs. Cool.

As a matter of interest how were you guys sold the idea of the war? And how party-line is your media? Is there balance in your TV and newspaper reporting or is it all in line with the government? Ours is pretty much in line with the government, but we do have our more balanced elements.

Hahah our media switches between HATE THE STUPID GOV and "ZOMG Bless America" so...

I agree with all of your post. Zimbabwe is a good example. Are people aware that there was just a coup in Mauritania, a developing African oil producer? Hmmm....
Nobody seems to be too interested in standing up to Robert Mugabe, probably because ther isn't a lot of oil in Zimbabwe!

People are standing up to Mugabe...and they should... I think Injustice should be fought against where ever it is... I for one am glad Saddam met his just reward... And I salute those countries and those people who sacrificed made it happen, but that's just me, I'm always in the minority. In essence what most people are saying is they wish Saddam was still in power. :goggly:
Also, another bit of scary news: Georgia and Russia. What makes this scary to me is Russia's current system of Govt and what happened to some of their nukes when they broke up. From what I understand now, Russia is basically run by a very violent mafia. Am I wrong to have a very bleak outlook on the future of humanity?:ill:
Personally, I don't think we should be in Iraq at all. Standing up to tyrants is all fine and dandy, but it's worth remembering the Saddam was our tyrant for quite a long time and USA, Britain and all were quite happy to sell him weapons and allow him to gas Kurds and all that as long as he kept his nose clean with regard to our political interests. Nobody seems to be too interested in standing up to Robert Mugabe, probably because ther isn't a lot of oil in Zimbabwe! Unfortunately for Saddam, he overstepped the mark by invading Kuwait, which seemed to be the start of his downfall. I don't know about you guys in the USA, but in Britain we were sold Gulf War II by Tony Blair on the grounds that Saddam allegedly had weapons of mass destruction which he could deploy within 45 minutes. Now... anyone who kept their eye on the ball knew that he had no such arsenal, and the minor biological capability that he did have was sorted in the early 90s in the 1st Gulf War. Over here, that didn't really get the desired result publicly, so we got a bunch of crap told to us about Saddam's 'links with al Quaeda', which is also crap. Geopolitical issues and control of Iraqi oil are the obvious reasons for the invasion of Iraq, and personally I don't think we should be sacrificing our servicemen and women over a lie, or for a bunch of profiteering elites. But that's my own personal view and everyone's going to have theirs. Cool.

As a matter of interest how were you guys sold the idea of the war? And how party-line is your media? Is there balance in your TV and newspaper reporting or is it all in line with the government? Ours is pretty much in line with the government, but we do have our more balanced elements.

I guess we were "sold" the same basic thing, anti terrorism to boot. Here you have to realize upon the world trade center event it just opened the door. As much as Im against still being there, after the "gulf war" I was a bit pissed they did not level Bagdad and remove Saddam at that time... then just leave. You have to remember we got to see and hear about the Kurds. Some of us have been around long enough to remember the plane hyjackings in the early 70's and all the other bullshit thats been going on over there for decades.

Myself I cant stand the site of anyone from the middle east, I dont care what country, including Turkey. I had one miserable looking young Turk call me a dirty American crook because I refused to put a heavy truck on fresh blacktop to do a delivery... duh! they even had it ribboned off... WTF ! That was enough for me. Then I had a Doctor insist my wife was to return to work the day after a hysterectomy (sp?), he even gave me the "Im am de doctor" in true Talaban tone over the telephone. So I gave him the "I am the husband and I will be back down there to discuss this with you in 30 minutes and we will bring in the management of the hospitol" in true Stevie tone, I was very disappointed he caved at that point. The head nurse on her floor even told us she was not to do any heavy lifting (which is what she does) for ? I forget now, was something like 48 hours or even a week. He was refusing to give us anything in writting so she could use her sick days. I wanted his head. Ironically his last name is Irani and is the same asswipe that was paid 2000 to deliver our baby, 14 years earlier when he did nothing but show up and talk to my wife for 2 minutes, 3 hrs after the entire thing was over...... Yes I could be found drenched in blood, laughing like a lunatic over his quivering corpse. They are fucked up people and I've had enough of them, been watching their behavior for 40 years, they can all die. So while I dont support the police action of the current "war" and the rebuilding, I have no problem with dropping in for quickies just so they can feel the power, then returning home, leaving them in total chaos so they can further diminish their own population. Its called tuff love, straighten up or bare the consequences.

As for our initial support of Saddam, it was either us or Russia, that was cold war bullshit, which was total bullshit but was the reality of the situation of those times. Our reactions were the result of Russian actions.

While I dont wish any service volunteers death, battle is ultimately what being in the service is about. Too many in this country want to sign up and then get upset if they are actually called to be soldiers. Im more concerned about the debt we have accumulated through this thing, which effect each and every person in this country and at the point they are at now, its debt our grandchildren will bare. Our job was done when we pulled Saddam, "bye bye morons, try it again and we'll be back". Theres no reason to drag it out, deal the rath and let the chips fall where they may.

As for "weapons of mass destruction", Saddam refused to comply, its now believed that he was pulling a bluff so as to convince his people that Iraq was still a powerhouse, when in reality Iraq was a disaster on his behalf.
Myself I cant stand the site of anyone from the middle east, I dont care what country, including Turkey. I had one miserable looking young Turk call me a dirty American crook because I refused to put a heavy truck on fresh blacktop to do a delivery... duh! they even had it ribboned off... WTF ! That was enough for me. Then I had a Doctor insist my wife was to return to work the day after a hysterectomy (sp?), he even gave me the "Im am de doctor" in true Talaban tone over the telephone. So I gave him the "I am the husband and I will be back down there to discuss this with you in 30 minutes and we will bring in the management of the hospitol" in true Stevie tone, I was very disappointed he caved at that point. The head nurse on her floor even told us she was not to do any heavy lifting (which is what she does) for ? I forget now, was something like 48 hours or even a week. He was refusing to give us anything in writting so she could use her sick days. I wanted his head. Ironically his last name is Irani and is the same asswipe that was paid 2000 to deliver our baby, 14 years earlier when he did nothing but show up and talk to my wife for 2 minutes, 3 hrs after the entire thing was over...... Yes I could be found drenched in blood, laughing like a lunatic over his quivering corpse. They are fucked up people and I've had enough of them, been watching their behavior for 40 years, they can all die. So while I dont support the police action of the current "war" and the rebuilding, I have no problem with dropping in for quickies just so they can feel the power, then returning home, leaving them in total chaos so they can further diminish their own population. Its called tuff love, straighten up or bare the consequences.

....:erk: I'm not going to argue that you may have had a few issues with Middle Easterners - you obviously did, but don't you think extending that kind of sadistic attitude towards an entire population is well... irrational? I think this extends way deeper than doctors and roadworkers...

My second issue. I get absolutely sick and scared of the thought of anyone in my family (Or anyone else's children or family for that matter) having to endure and see war and be subjected to such a horrible thing. They don't need to fucking die!! They need help! Seriously, how in the hell can you have a wife and children and say such a thing?:mad:
I only return a sentiment that is felt of Americans, give it time, keep observing, I once believed in peace, love and disney land too.

America got where it was by helping itself, see if you can find examples of these people working, fighting, bleeding, dying for a common cause of betterment for their own entire population, fighting to end the chaos, or do they revert back to odd levels of insanity as soon as the back is turned ? Do you think those in this country respect you/us, do you think they are here to be part of us ? It was just easier than straightening out their own mess. Do you think you can go to their country and be welcomed with open arms ? Do you think they believe in "love thy brother" "equality for all" "may we give you some of our SSI money" ?

Just give it time, maybe it will change, maybe not, maybe we will go completely broke trying to change their thousands of years worth of waring ways. Fate must have blessed them with an abundance of oil, its provided them much wealth, not that they pass it around amounst their populations, think they could be happy? lighten up on their woman? put it all to positive use ?

Edit: Noble, how do you know that because I had a wife and child is not why I feel as I do ???? Think about it.
I may have misinterpreted what exactly you meant, I understand what you're saying now, but it has always seemed that the more we bomb them, the more they hate us.

I'm kind of stepping out of my comfort zone on this issue. There are really too many variables to consider. I absolutely hate war, but what choice do you have when the people you disagree with think American companies fund programs plotting the demise of Islam.:erk:
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