2008 Political debate thread

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I have nothing against anyone of any race. Profiling people is one of the lowest intellectual orders.

Yes, but I like to see people make a stand, show what they are made of. I'm not seeing that amounst many today, they appear to be here for the cash, the education, and perhaps the titties in some cases. How many joined up to go to Iraq and help end the madness or repression that presumably drove them to the freedom of the States ?

The brother of the crazy Turk, I spoke too on several occasions, it was a gas station... go figure. He was decent and told his brother to shut up that first time, but that guy had some evil anger look in his eyes everytime I saw him, not at me, just plain ol miserable. Anyhow I asked the friendly one how he like America, he said it was alright, I asked him which country he prefered, his answer Turkey. Then why was he here ? The cash, they turn those over every few years, its a way to avoid taxes. Think I could get a loan in this country to buy, succeed and legally run a gas station ? Fuck no. Those two particular stations were closed down a year later for failure to pay their sales tax, the offenders... long gone. Even better yet, the stations name... USA... and behind closed doors they :lol:
Look, if your going to rip someone on their spelling, better make sure your post is picture perfect...appaulingly? That have anything to do with Ron Paul? (Since we're speaking of zealots here...)? It's "appallingly".....


Oh shush :lol:
Fuck the middle east

Ex-squeeze me? Baking powder? You say there are Islamic extremists, and I agree with you with respect to them being misogynistic and narrow-minded, but they're not all like that! Women in Jordan can do anything men can do, like practice medicine, own property and fly planes (not a big deal but in comparison to extremist views, it is). Right here in the US there are extremist Christian compounds with polygamy and teen marriage going on yet you fail to mention those. It's pretty obvious not all Christians are like that either.

I'd also like to say that it's no mystery what I look like (see pics thread) and your rants make it very uncomfortable for me to post here. I consider what you say about people of my ethnicity to be personally insulting, and I don't think I'm out of line in believing so because I have experienced racial profiling on numerous occasions post-9/11. I could feel contempt towards the WASPs who've done that to me, but I don't, just as you shouldn't hate an entire group of people because of one or two bad experiences.
yes you are correct, and Im well aware of that, the friend of mine that went to SX concert last summer with me is Jamaican/India, its more anger induced noise than complete serious, but I do want it out there. I'm tired of the poor this and poor that in this country. I do honestly feel fuck the middle east however, and that doctor... I wanted his ass, he is what he is and that is the product of their culture w/American wealth and I give culture no excuse. Your extremists you mentioned in this country are no threat to the population, nor are they about to take control of the countrys government. They are absolutely no comparision to the people Im talking about. I'm sure you can understand Anglo contempt if you can understand your own feelings of contempt. Im sure "they are all not like that", but once again let me ask, when are they going to do something about those that are as we have done ? Tim Mcvey, (or however his name is spelled for our resident spelling police) and numerious serial killers are long since executed, Manson and other various wack jobs are in jail for life, so whats the problem over there ? Sorry, I dont think they really give a shit. Hell we have Iran just hidding around the corner, marching their streets chanting kill America... oh yeah, Im real entertained and feeling compassion.
I see your point when you speak on a global scale because before it just sounded like "well one of them was mean to me so fuck them all," which is plain irrational. I still think you're hypocritical for talking shit about an ethnicity which consists of billions of people and then say you're down with them since you're friends with one.
Yeah, probably, but I dont expect to see any changes in their behavior or attitude anytime in the near future either, so I'll follow their lead.

I dont claim to be down with anyone but my friends, I just mentioned a friend so you wouldnt think, Im totally ignorant that all people are not alike, I think that really goes without saying. I really cant explain my attitude or the reasons for it, honestly I've had it since I was maybe 12 and that was along time ago, and no it was not passed on to me by anyone in my family. I was just a kid watching the news. It would take too long to explain and per usually everyone would get caught in the little things. Im just not one thats into letting anyone off the hook until everyone kicks in and takes care of obvious problems, and that is not happening with the middle east scenerio. War after war, after war, after war and they fight like cowards. Aint no white boy ever gonna understand hiding behind women and children and random attacks of civilians... for what again ? I just call em like I see em and have witnessed first hand arrogant attitudes by those in my country. I cant be shamed, I say "hello, how are you today" doesnt seem to be appropriate, shit Im mostly English and we're supposed to have the no sense of humor and the stiff upper lip thing but all I see is barren faces that mostly appear pissed off or "above" me.

** no one is "mean to me", I am not like that, or have the poor me attitude, I was put on the spot and held my ground, always enjoying a challenge when brought before me. I handled myself quite well and those particular battles were just another park another Sunday... and they started out with me walking in, smiling, saying "hi how are you, where do you want the blocks(concrete)" ? or the other..."Hi, my wife cant go to work tomorow, she works in a warehouse and she cant get paid if you dont write a note stating her surgery" twasnt I who brought any of that on, but I did finish it.
Also, another bit of scary news: Georgia and Russia. What makes this scary to me is Russia's current system of Govt and what happened to some of their nukes when they broke up. From what I understand now, Russia is basically run by a very violent mafia. Am I wrong to have a very bleak outlook on the future of humanity?:ill:

And (I'm sure this one is your favorite! It was mine!)
noble savage said:
:lol::lol:AHAHAHAHA!!!! John Edwards love child.

"We are all sinners..."


This really got me thinking about what the other politicians are lying about..

No one took the bait!

As for the Georgia incident... Well, two things. Europe needs to quit fucking around, grow some balls and tell Russia enough is enough. It shouldn't all be up to the US to handle.

Second, from what I gather the Russians don't have their heads on straight and they aren't even accepting Georgia's cease fire.. I hope this doesn't get out of hand.
As for the Georgia incident... Well, two things. Europe needs to quit fucking around, grow some balls and tell Russia enough is enough. It shouldn't all be up to the US to handle.

As my memory recalls, weren't we (or at least a large majority of people) saying the same thing about Iraq when the UN failed to call out Saddam's openly belligerent behaviors, refusing inspections, and scoffing at sanctions?
As my memory recalls, weren't we (or at least a large majority of people) saying the same thing about Iraq when the UN failed to call out Saddam's openly belligerent behaviors, refusing inspections, and scoffing at sanctions?

Yes, I think so. It's complete bullshit. We shouldn't do anything except wait until it escalates and carries over into all of the countries (France!!) that just sit around and wait for the US to send troops over and resolve/fuck it up more.
Somewhat curious as to the lack of discussion around Russia's blatant hostility toward Georgia. Perhaps because it is not the US attacking Mexico?

Actually I've been following it with dire interest. It is of severe importance to the world, but most people only care about the Olympics.

That said, I will NOT say it is the USA's business to charge in there and "fix" things.
I dont know alot about it but isnt Russia responding to an attack of some city by Georgia ? What are they supposed to do after, twittly dink around for 10 years going broke like the US does or make thier point perfectly clear ?

Why was the US invading Mexico mentioned ? I thought we had the reverse
There's a cease fire in Georgia which is nice and apparently 2,000 people dead and 100,000 people displaced because of the destruction. It is upsetting how little this was reported on.
As for the Georgia incident... Well, two things. Europe needs to quit fucking around, grow some balls and tell Russia enough is enough. It shouldn't all be up to the US to handle.

Neither Georgia or Russia are part of the EU and both are transcontinental, but they're both part of the UN, in which America is the top dog. This would not be about "Europe crying for the World Police", it would be about everybody taking responsibility to solve this conflict peacefully. It's politics, not geography.
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