2008 Political debate thread

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Fallout from a nuclear bomb is not even something I would wish upon my worst enemy.

In a less sadistic sense, I agree that it would be beneficial to lock up all of the asshole extremists in a room and let them at each other. The kicker being there isn't even a way that they could tell themselves apart, but since killing one another is so important we could let the Sunni wear blue shirts and the Shiites wear red. And then whoever is left standing afterwards, give them bibles and subject them to Christian Missionary lectures by non other than Pat Robertson himself!
razor, ever thought of running for office?

:lol: yeah, just what the world needs... a pissed off radical rebel

Noble - Fallout from nukes is exactly my point, during the cold war these idjuts were acting as if killing everyone would be a solution. Like little babies having a tantrum and gonna kill everyone The entire thing was as if from out of this world and both countries went broke building weapons to kill everyone... maybe this is all stuff too deep for my HS ed but somehow I feel kinda smart

In this concrete room I was also picturing Bush and whom ever is running Russia, China, Korea, Vietnam, more like a international free for all tournament. Hell I'd even go retroactive with it and throw Clinton in there and any other surviving "leaders" too.

Then of course stage two would be corporate "leaders"
what i thought was hilarious was condaleeza's speech on russia i saw the other day where she was like 'no country has the right to invade another country, overthrow their government and install themselves in their place.. we will not allow it!' ... iraq anyone?
what i thought was hilarious was condaleeza's speech on russia i saw the other day where she was like 'no country has the right to invade another country, overthrow their government and install themselves in their place.. we will not allow it!' ... iraq anyone?

:loco: Funny you should mention that because, after watching it myself, I had the exact same reaction. :lol:
That is, actually, completely different. The US And allies worked together where the UN failed to act.

Putin's regime is working to bring back the old Russia. I don't think that would be something the world needs right now.
I agree, but I don't think we're any better.

Thats a pretty low and unrealistic bar dont you think ? I mean just reviewing Russias social, culture, and political history. We might be fucked up but Im damn glad I didnt grow up in Russia and am not there now.
i don't think the iraqi's would agree that its different

Its hard telling due to the lack of agreement on anything in that area

poor iraqis suffering myserably anymore when they were so much better before, perhaps we should put them out of their misery ?
I think they are suffering from their complacency of their situation, that and all the sand on their brains
Thats a pretty low and unrealistic bar dont you think ? I mean just reviewing Russias social, culture, and political history. We might be fucked up but Im damn glad I didnt grow up in Russia and am not there now.

+1...l worked there for nearly 2 years up until the first of this year...those people are beat down so bad most will hardly look you in the face if they just think you have some authority. Matter of fact, the employees l came in contact with on a daily basis would call me something that l had no clue what it meant. LOL...at first l thought they were cussing me. My interpreter eventually told me it meant "master". The rest are brainwashed into thinking the communist way was right. Average income there was equal to $400-450 USD a month. Average rent for 1 bedroom was $700-800 USD a month in Kaliningrad...$1500 in Moscow. Families lived together...alot w/grandparents...sons & daughters rarely moved out on their own. When daughter marries, son in law moves in. The majority have never driven a car & probably will never.
I believe it was the international community that interfered. The US merely had the most forces (and the most at stake).

Well, they begrudgingly helped because of international treaties. It was definitely a US decision based on enmity resulting from 9/11. Misplaced enmity.

Hey Ascension, guess what? America is the same. Americans are just afraid to face it. They're beaten down and conditioned to think democracy (as if we really even have that) is the best, etc.
I believe it was the international community that interfered. The US merely had the most forces (and the most at stake).

Exactly...doing what the UN should have done years ago...ousting an evil individual & putting down terrorists. The UN & NATO are a joke. There has to be people willing to do the jobs everybody else is scared of doing...and not afraid to take shit for it.
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