2008 Political debate thread

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People "cluelessly having sex" speaks to the problems with our society and our current generation of youth.

Perhaps you can explain what I and others cannot see from our houses (if that line was directed at me personally). I see plenty from my house, and what I typically see is a lack of responsibility, a fear of accountability for one's actions, and an overwhelming sense of entitlement to achieve without toil.
I wouldn't call it a paradox at all, really. An unborn baby cannot make its own decisions. He/she is as innocent as innocent can be. It's life is ended typically to cover up a mistake by the parents of the child.

This is the way I look at it: I never asked to be born. If I was aborted, I wouldn't know what I was missing out on, so what difference does it make? When the whole thing about Palin's daughter (which I think shouldn't have been made public) came to light, some statistic came out that said 80% of children birthed by "women" under the age of 21 are unplanned. The life of an unwanted child can be so shitty to the point where they're better off aborted.
Had you not been born, I wouldn't have been able to hear your opinion.

I know many people who grew up in just such situations - they turned out to be great people. In fact, I'm married to one.

If people around those people would step in to help rather than turning blind eyes to the crap lives they have in the first place, I would think everybody's lives would turn out better in the long run. There are plenty of places to get help in any situation.
Yeah, gotcha on the rape thing, Drew. It's a tough area for sure. Let's say abortion was prohibited in the future, except in the case of a rape. Would we then account for that by saying if a rape occurred, aborting the fetus is legitimate? I can then see plenty of lines forming where rape is claimed, but is that merely a claim issued only to have an abortion or because it did happen? Perhaps a morning after pill for any reported rapes would then be a work around, or something similar along those lines.

It's hard for me to respond, given that set of circumstances, because I'm purely pro-choice. Curious though...are you saying you don't have a problem with morning-after pills? So what is the line that you're drawing between those and an abortion?
@ ABQ - No not personally directed at you, but rather many or any, I guess, the attitude is out there.

This is the culture that has been spoon fed to a few generations, however not mine, nor spoon fed by me to mine, outside sources sure had an impact and seemed to take over though... thats not just refering to pregnancy.

None the less, mankind has evolved in most cases into highly sexual creatures, we are capable of producing every ? 1.5 years ? We preach to our children to get an education or you will suffer, which is true today, yet just say roughly 100 years ago and prior many marriages were arranged for teenage girls to mid 20's or older established men, that was the answer to "when nature calls" before, today we have made adjustments.

I will not place the sex thing on the current generation, mine was active with our girlfriends in our early teens, there was plenty of teenage pregnancies by the WWII generation as well, plenty of "unplaned" children, times were different.

Teenage girls make mistakes, they forget the pill, perhaps they have a whim one day and regret later. Teenage boys are idjuts, I know, I was(am) one(just older), nothing but a bunch of walking talking boners. We have ways today and for many decades now to keep things in check. No one just goes and gets an abortion, like its no bodys business, a casual cup of coffee, its a rough time for all involved but as with all of society today, everything is a judgement call. We dont have to like it, we only need look around the world, it is what it has become and the key train of popular imposed thought is "deal with it". So I guess we have to deal with abortion and other forms of birth control too.
Yeah, and I think what has spurred in my mind on that post is why it is now acceptable to have teen-agers on the pill? Why do we give out condoms in high schools, and even now in middle schools? Prime time television is not cool unless premarital sex, adultery, and violence are the central theme points of the show. All that is just telling our kids to go out and have sex. Mindlessly even, because they are not prepared to cope with the consequences. I again bring back the argument that we must do a better job parenting our children. We cannot throw our kids out to the schools and expect the schools to teach them everything about life. Just like you said - back in days gone by, parents were very involved in the lives of their children. The family was a unit. That has now decayed to something quite gross, in my opinion. And, I agree with one of your other posts about having to have both parents in the workplace. That itself works to erode basic family unit functionality.
I think you're leaving out the part where teenagers are hardwired (Haha) for sex. I don't think a boy and a girl who where alone together in the 50s would have been anymore capable of not having sex than kids today.

I see nothing wrong with premarital sex as long as the people doing it are smart about it. I have heard it is also a great stress reliever. I guess that explains why I'm constantly so pissed off at everything!:lol:
ABQ, my girlfriend was on the pill in '74, she was 15, I... 16. We had already done the deed prior to that with NO assistance, we were lucky. When nature calls there is nothing you can do, we had the education, we... not to say... didnt care, but nothing was going to stop us, I wanted her and she me, this is the way it is. I believe the only thing that changed is we were more shy, more reluctant, reluctant to be agressive, as well as fearful of "being shot", "beaten" (lol) or simply scowled at by ones father.

Seems you didnt want to consider my evaluation of the older tradition of marrying off ones daughter at a young age. I have given this much thought over the years and I believe those old timers knew the power of the hormones. Set your daughter up in a good established family before some young school boy gets her pregnant when in reality they are not "in love" anyhow, just the hormones and youthful desire, dreams talking. Which as we know really doesnt cut it today.

Then there was the roaring 20's, my Grandmother told me plenty about them. Mankind has had no history of being saints when it comes to sex. There was just plenty of scowling by the parents and lots of things going on behind closed doors, or back seats of cars, or in the hay, or tall grass... ah, youth and spring fever, doesnt get any better than that.
Lots of teenage girls are on birth control not because they're sexually active, but to regulate their menstrual cycles.

Not just teenagers - my wife takes the pill to prevent the spread of endometriosis.

razor, I don't see marrying kids off in their teens much of a solution these days. Women aren't mere ovens for our babies anymore, and life is not all about sex. And women don't hit their prime till their 30's and 40's anyway.

I'm not an expert on girl's hormones, but it seems to me that societal pressures are what lead girls into bed more than "wanting" a guy. I'm not commenting at all on your relationship with your girlfriend way back when - I'm merely stating a generalization about our society. But, not to contradict myself - perhaps it helps prove my point though - girls around this area seem to be the horn dogs these days. Some of the rhetoric I and my wife hear from the middle school girls walking past our house on their way to school is absolutely appalling yet deeply saddening.
Screw you guys, I'ma gonna go build a planetarium!

Also, that was an awesome post razoredge! I didn't know that people actually had sex back in the 20's.:lol:
So Palin thinks that the Iraq War is a "task from god" then. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080903/ap_on_el_pr/cvn_palin_iraq_war

People like this should NOT be in office, hell, people like this shouldn't exist.

If people like that didn't exist, there wouldn't be anyone to laugh at or keep you on your toes and scared shitless by mingling their apocalyptic beliefs with with what they think the creator of the universe is telling them. I couldn't imagine such a world! It would be too... normal and boring!
If people like that didn't exist, there wouldn't be anyone to laugh at or keep you on your toes and scared shitless by mingling their apocalyptic beliefs with with what they think the creator of the universe is telling them. I couldn't imagine such a world! It would be too... normal and boring!

I agree up to a point, but I'd be laughing a lot more if these people weren't in control of what is arguably the most powerful country in the world....
Well, you can agree fully then, because when I said "laugh" I meant "forcefully replacing utter shock and fear that they are fucking insane" with a nicer emotion that won't give me a stomach ulcer.
Can't really say I see your point - she's in her church, and she's a politician. She's asking members of her church to pray for certain events. I don't see any tie to the Apocalypse mentioned at all. In my mind, I find it simply funny that you have such strong reactions to Christians doing what they do best. It looks like the prayers she is asking for are turning out pretty well for her.
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