2008 Political debate thread

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Can't really say I see your point - she's in her church, and she's a politician. She's asking members of her church to pray for certain events. I don't see any tie to the Apocalypse mentioned at all. In my mind, I find it simply funny that you have such strong reactions to Christians doing what they do best. It looks like the prayers she is asking for are turning out pretty well for her.

If that was the case, then I would fully agree with you. I hold no aversion whatsoever to people who believe that. I was, however, referring to her referring to the fact that she thinks she knows that whatever created the universe told her that it is on America's side and wants us to win.

When a politician invokes the "god told me to do it", do you actually believe that that is the case? Do you believe that the Christian God tells American politicians what it desires?

I don't want to come off as being a dick or anything, I am really curious. It's just that I don't believe that and people think I'm weird for thinking so.
Can't really say I see your point - she's in her church, and she's a politician. She's asking members of her church to pray for certain events. I don't see any tie to the Apocalypse mentioned at all. In my mind, I find it simply funny that you have such strong reactions to Christians doing what they do best. It looks like the prayers she is asking for are turning out pretty well for her.

What, so you condone the idea of the Iraq War being another Crusade?

The last thing your country (and this planet) needs is more religious zealots in positions of power.
What, so you condone the idea of the Iraq War being another Crusade?

The last thing your country (and this planet) needs is more religious zealots in positions of power.

Um, where did you get that jump from? I condoned nothing. Amazing.

Religious zealots are in power all over the place. Simply because a Christian person asks his/her congregation to pray for him/her work does not make him/her a religious zealot. I didn't see a link to the vid to get the full context of her speech though.
Church and state should always be separate IMO

What are your guidelines for keeping them separate? I think people misconstrue the First Amendment of the US Constitution completely - it merely says no laws shall be passed prohibiting a person from exercising their religion. It does not say anything about religious people being forbidden from governing positions.
BFD, the people in the middle east think they are on a task from alla or how ever the fuck you spell it. The people that are into science think they are on a task for science. This entire thing would be over if those on a task from allah would stop killing their own people in Iraq and allow a government that acted in the best interest of all its people and was non aggressive to the rest of the world, get a fucking clue. Everyone wants to pick away at one narrow minded side of every story, how fucking pathetic.
Ugh, tell me something I don't already know...

I would have never thought many months ago that any republican presidential nominee would even be close to the democrat nominee in the polls. Now it even seems that McCain has a lead. This is all because of the older independent voters who are scared of the "young black man" getting into office and slowly making slaves out of all the caucasians in America. It sounds ridiculous but I have seriously heard many people say these ridiculous kinds of things. I have even heard an older lady say she won't vote for "the black guy" because he would "have a homo-sexual as his running mate". There are definately a lot of retarded people out there that only care about trivial unlikely things instead of the issues at hand. The media turns politicians into "celebrity's" to gossip about because they know such a huge number of people get into these types of scandal stories; thus, these people make decisions based on the personal traits of a nominee instead of the ideas they support.
Seriously, McCain winning this election is simply one step closer to World War III and the end of the world.
First of all, for the record, I am 100% non-partisan, and my voting record proves that....

Probably me, I can't stand "Slick Willie" Obama. He has no experience and is going to have to rely more on his "handlers" than McCain will. We don't get to elect his handlers. I'm not into his wealth redistribution mindset, even though it would probably benefit me (I'm definately NOT rich) Also, his wife is a "See You Next Tuesday". If she's out campaigning for him, ANYTHING she says in public is fair game. He's made several serious gaffes and is yet another young politician who's a bit too big for his britches. Even with a Dem majority in congress & senate, I don't think Obama can implement everything he says he wants to. I mean come on, where is all this change and goodness that the dems promised us when they gained majority? Pelosi needs to be eaten by a shark or a bear or something. She's as useless as a urinal in a convent. I'm not 100% into McCain either, but can't cast a vote for Ron Paul based on the creepiness of his followers, and I fail to see him having the power to make all the radical changes he wants to make. Paul's ideals are excellent, but he's going to need a whole party of like minded people in congress & senate to get anything done. His shit won't fly far with Reps or Dems. Back to McCain - I'm not into "talking" with the leaders of countries who are dead set on seeing our demise. It hasn't worked with the corrupt groups such as the UN, NATO, or even the IAEA. I've said it since Clinton took office, we need a hard nosed leader. Soon, we'll have Russia, Notrth Korea, and China crawling up our ass like rabid tapeworms. I'd rather have McCain in charge if things get dicey than Obama. I am SO sick and tired of seeing the progressing PUSSIFICATION of this country, that it literally makes me sick to my stomach. I see it everywhere, even here, and it disgusts me. While pussification isn't guaranteed to stop with McCain, it'll be a whole lot less likely than it would be should Slick's group win. It's the lesser of 2 evils once again, I guess we'll see what happens.
Soon, we'll have Russia, Notrth Korea, and China crawling up our ass like rabid tapeworms. I'd rather have McCain in charge if things get dicey than Obama. I am SO sick and tired of seeing the progressing PUSSIFICATION of this country, that it literally makes me sick to my stomach. I see it everywhere, even here, and it disgusts me. While pussification isn't guaranteed to stop with McCain, it'll be a whole lot less likely than it would be should Slick's group win. It's the lesser of 2 evils once again, I guess we'll see what happens.

What so you think that simply not invading every country that happens to not like America that much (which is many countries, America has done a pretty good job of pissing off a lot of people) is "pussification"?

How about not thinking that America has the right to be the World Police and sorting out your own country's problems instead of being paranoid about other countries getting "up your ass".
First of all, for the record, I am 100% non-partisan, and my voting record proves that....

Probably me, I can't stand "Slick Willie" Obama. He has no experience and is going to have to rely more on his "handlers" than McCain will. We don't get to elect his handlers. I'm not into his wealth redistribution mindset, even though it would probably benefit me (I'm definately NOT rich) Also, his wife is a "See You Next Tuesday". If she's out campaigning for him, ANYTHING she says in public is fair game. He's made several serious gaffes and is yet another young politician who's a bit too big for his britches. Even with a Dem majority in congress & senate, I don't think Obama can implement everything he says he wants to. I mean come on, where is all this change and goodness that the dems promised us when they gained majority? Pelosi needs to be eaten by a shark or a bear or something. She's as useless as a urinal in a convent. I'm not 100% into McCain either, but can't cast a vote for Ron Paul based on the creepiness of his followers, and I fail to see him having the power to make all the radical changes he wants to make. Paul's ideals are excellent, but he's going to need a whole party of like minded people in congress & senate to get anything done. His shit won't fly far with Reps or Dems. Back to McCain - I'm not into "talking" with the leaders of countries who are dead set on seeing our demise. It hasn't worked with the corrupt groups such as the UN, NATO, or even the IAEA. I've said it since Clinton took office, we need a hard nosed leader. Soon, we'll have Russia, Notrth Korea, and China crawling up our ass like rabid tapeworms. I'd rather have McCain in charge if things get dicey than Obama. I am SO sick and tired of seeing the progressing PUSSIFICATION of this country, that it literally makes me sick to my stomach. I see it everywhere, even here, and it disgusts me. While pussification isn't guaranteed to stop with McCain, it'll be a whole lot less likely than it would be should Slick's group win. It's the lesser of 2 evils once again, I guess we'll see what happens.

I have 2 HUGE problems with this post.

-I can think of lots of uses for a urinal in a convent
-Tapeworms generally come out of the ass...not go back in through it
What so you think that simply not invading every country that happens to not like America that much (which is many countries, America has done a pretty good job of pissing off a lot of people) is "pussification"?

How about not thinking that America has the right to be the World Police and sorting out your own country's problems instead of being paranoid about other countries getting "up your ass".

No, pussification starts right here, at home, with peoples kids running rampant, spanking your kid gets you thrown in jail, the immigration issues and a free range planet, people having to be "PC" to assholes who are ruining the country, the list goes on & on. Do you think the US wants to be "world police" all the time??!! Get real! If some of these piss-ant little nations who are all mouth, and no balls would take care of things in their neighborhood once in a while, it'd be great! Our country doles out a lot of aid to other countries who sufer from war, drought, famine, & natural disasters. This comes directly out of MY pocket. I would like nothing better than to see us shut the borders here, remove ALL those that are here illegally, remove ourselves from the UN & NATO, and shut down all support for everyone else.
Of course, this will unfortunately never happen, as it would be bad for us, and the rest of the planet. As for being paranoid, I hope you're right, but in the meantime, you might want to start learning Chinese or Russian. You'll need it before we will...:heh:
I will be voting for McCain. I have the same questions as to how anybody can vote for Obama.

Really, Swabs, the world makes us the police. They ask for our help, either through the UN or through direct pleas. I do want us to spend more time on our homefront though. I don't see Obama doing that at all - he will use his rock star status to parade around the world, and his weak, inept decision making will hurt our country. Russia is growing increasingly dangerous - most people on this forum were not even alive to know what life was like during the Cold War. I really do not wish to be back there any time soon, but Putin is flexing his muscles with the energy resources he has to sell and taunting the West into action. Obama did just admit tonight that he would keep our defense system in Poland if he does make it into the Office - a direct support of a Bush initiative, initiatives he has spoken strongly against in the past.

An interesting Newsweek article that I was able to only read a small portion of did in fact applaud Bush's foreign policy in the second half of his term. People are most objectionable to his first four years, and they don't step back to realize he has put some good policies into place during his second four years. But, people are so dissatisfied with his cowboy approach during his first four years that they fail to look past his failures to see his successes. These are paraphrases of the article - not my words.

I can't fault the guy for having a cowboy attitude after what he stepped into during his first year in office. No other President in the last 50 years has faced what he faced in his first year on the job.
I find it funny that people are calling Obama "slick" when I got the most crooked feeling out of McCain during is acceptance speech. Everytime he said a line and the crowd cheered it looked like two strings were pulling at each corner of his mouth to force him to smile...it was creepy I tell you.

Not only that but it bothered me that conservatives always complained that Obama's speeches never talked about specific things he would do as president; however, what happened with the two acceptance speeches was the total opposite. Obama explained tons of things he wanted to actually do as president where McCain's speech was nothing but "patriotic"/rhetorical mumbo-jumbo. Not only that but there were 2 or 3 things McCain said Obama would do that directly coincided with things Obama said in his speech a whole week prior. McCain just didn't sound sincere in the least to me; and even if he did, it wouldn't mean much since he didn't lay out any exact plans he has.

I just want to make it clear that I am definately one of those who hates the 2 party system, and think that there should be no parties at all. My words may make it seem like I am some kind of loyal liberal pawn of the democratic party; however, I am not. I just like Obama for what he wants to do to get the country out of the mess Bush has gotten us into.

I think one of the biggest things I like about him is his ability and willingness to use foreign policy. Obama made what I think of national defense pretty clear in his interview with O'Reilly. He is NOT afraid to use military should the need arise; however, it seems that over the last 8 years military force has been the first step instead of a last resort.

I don't see why just because we don't act as a bully that we can be considered pussies? I don't know how you can use spanking children and war in the same example either as they are TOTALLY different things. I am all for spanking/disciplining children and can agree with you that recently in our country doing so is seen as a horrible thing for some reason, but the thought that we should just use violence and force on other countries to show them "who's boss" should be left to those such as the shooters of Columbine/VA Tech. "We were teased so now we are going to go shooting everyone in sight!". That is what people who are so adamant to go to war sound like to me. That's not a great example but when you think about it, it is the same type of gung-ho attitude really.

To finally end I would just like to make the point that this country was created by open-mindedness; however, lately it seems that the minds of people in this country are nothing but closed.
A concern of mine is that John McCain is old coupled with the fact that his running mate has inexperience, something he spent months talking shit on Obama for (hypocritical much?). He's had cancer twice, he's over 70 years old and Sarah Palin is literally a heartbeat away from being leader of the free world. Being "this close" to Russia doesn't count as having foreign policy experience. Being staunchly pro-life will lead to coathanger abortions again, who wants that? When watching the RNC I saw many people with signs and buttons saying stuff like "I'm with the hot chick," "Palin is sexy," etc. which trivializes her already pitiful credentials. As a running mate I much prefer Joe Biden, and it does show that Obama is aware of his lack of experience so of course he would want to surround himself with older and wiser colleagues, similar to what George Bush did with Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice.
Proactive versus reactive comes to mind here. Do we want to let foreign maniacal dictators grow unbounded, or do we want to take actions now to limit their growth and influence in the world? In my mind, the latter will put us on the doorstep of WWIII much faster than the former. WWIII will not be started by America, Swabs, regardless of your opinion.
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