2008 Political debate thread

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Because it's the biggest slop of fiction out today, supported and promulgated by the media. And Al Gore's involved. 'nuff said.

You have a cool avatar though. And I was just in Tucson at the Hilton Conquistador. Great place, but they really need to improve their beer selection.

precisely. "Big Environment" is just as corrupt and full of lobbyists as any other industry. There is money to be had in doomsday "save the planet" propaganda.
thats funny, I mean totally hilliarious, because we all know theres no money behind ignoring it....... nothing to lose there....... :u-huh:

protecting the environment costs money, hoards of money, as well as threatening the largest money makers in the world.... period ! That is the reason everyone wants to turn their back and the rest of the lambs follow because the thought of any hardship or adaptation scares them..... its easier this way.

detective - did your chemistry teacher with all his profoundness explain when he got done, how you go about burning a tree to the ground ? :goggly:
In all seriousness, we should really consider terraforming Mars. I did my entire Senior project on it and in theory it is plausible. As Carl Sagan once said:

"We need to be a two planet species"

When I graduate from college in a few years, if there is not a program of the sort in place, I'm going to start one myself. There are too many radical countries that have their fingers resting on the doomsday button.
Why settle for Mars? Jupiter is much bigger.

For life adapted to the conditions of Earth, it would be deadly. The core is molten metal. It more resembles the composition and structure of a star that hasn't generated fusion. I have heard about this possibility before in regards to life.

The moon Europa may actually already have life on it. It is mostly water and Jupiter's magnetic field would provide enough energy for the process to take place.

Mars is a good idea because its temperatures can be tweaked to be very similar to those found on Earth. It may already have water under its surface which, with a slight temperature increase, could make the job much easier.
I thought it might have been, but you can never be too certain. I have had conversations with people who don't know much about that kind stuff and would have asked something like that out of curiosity. I just assumed the other way around.:lol:
now that would be a resourceful way to burn up a few more godzillion dollars

and what a wonderful beautiful life it would be.......
Well, we all know that Al Gore invented the internet and he is also apparently a research meteorological climatologist. Hell of a resume!

That a shitload of money is going to these programs, and possibly into worldwide programs in the future (UN Taxation for US citizens YAY!!!) not only scares me, but it pisses me off.

BTW Albuqshredder, there's a local brewery here that has a fairly good stout (not my thing, I'm a Bicardi and Don-Q guy, but others swear by it) - Nimbus Brewery.
progged said:
That a shitload of money is going to these programs, and possibly into worldwide programs in the future (UN Taxation for US citizens YAY!!!) not only scares me, but it pisses me off.

This is an interesting tidbit that I was not aware of. It pisses me off as well.:mad:
Well, let's see - Lieberman-Warner Acts, America's Climate Security Act of '07, Climate Stewardship Act of '07... All passed due to fear politics of global warming... I'll try to dig up the exact UN proposals that all 3 candidates would most likely endorse. Global warming is the new improved Acidrain and Ozone layer threat...

Edit: I can't spell Lieberman...
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