2008 Political debate thread

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So... when are people going to stop worrying about background (omg Osama wasn't raised as a christian and doesn't have a proud military photo! How can we have him in the white house?) and start worrying about if we agree with their politics or not? Jesus, next time i hear someone go "BUT BARACK'S MIDDLE NAME IS HUSSEIN!!!" i will lose complete faith in this country and side with the terrorists. I'm not fucking kidding. If you are really that stupid to go "oh shit he's wearing muslim garb and has a name similar to a known terrorist", you deserve to be living in a police state run by the taliban because your ignorance is so great that you are a waste to the free world.

Let me clarify and say that I'm not at all saying that you have to support Obama or you're stupid. That's not it. Plenty of intelligent people support McCain, as well as support third party candidates. this isn't a question of who you support... it's a matter of "are you really that stupid to use that as your reason for NOT voting for someone"? McCain whistles his "s"s. I hate that, he's probably whistling in code to his terrorist buddies! No. Just come up with legitimate reasons to dislike Obama (how about "I don't think his Iraq exit plan will be effective and will only cause greater problems in the middle east" for one?) rather than some stupid bullshit about his name. Otherwise, I (nor anyone else with even a random thought in their head) will have no respect and you deserve to live in the world you create for yourself. Just don't create that world for me to live in. I want to choose a world that isn't so fucking shitty.

Zach gets it.
Meedleyx10 said:
So now you have to play the race card? you're an ignorant tool.

Tsk tsk...name calling...that puts you in the 5th grader category in an argument...automatic win for me...so easy. :)

2. Racism.

Ahh...before you brainwashed individuals become slanderous & throw out the racist card...you need to do some research. I didn't coin the term "magic negro". It was associated to Hussein Obama by a leftist liberal in an LA Times article. All you had to do was Google it....but typical of the lazy generation.This has been way to easy...LMAO. :lol::lol::lol:

Doomsday Zach said:
i will lose complete faith in this country and side with the terrorists. I'm not fucking kidding.

This is sad, but indicative of your generation. A terrorist would put a bullet in my head before I would make a statement like that. That kind of thinking is why this country is going in the toilet.
You just don't know when to quit do you? It doesn't matter whether you coined the term or not (for the record, I am familar with the term and you'd do well not to assume that everyone else here is as lacking in intellect as yourself), the fact is that in using it, you are playing a race card. Your sad attempts to play your bullshit off as "just stating the facts" are ridiculous. The fact that you get a vote in this election flat-out sickens me, as you are a complete and total detriment to everyone who deserves that right...including those who would otherwise align themselves with you politically.
I echo the statement above. And again, it's not the fact that you don't align with my political views. I just hate seeing votes based on ignorance. I would say the same thing about an obama supporter who made a big deal about something trivial on the mccain side of things.

This is sad, but indicative of your generation. A terrorist would put a bullet in my head before I would make a statement like that. That kind of thinking is why this country is going in the toilet.

And you took my quote out of context. The point is simply that people are making ignorant statements based on trivial things (Why don't we make a big deal about John McCain having the same name as John Wilkes Booth, a known assassin? Nevermind the fact that it's a very common name...) then we've defeated ourselves already and we might as well live in a terrorist state. There is no longer a point in fighting to be free when no one gives a shit to exercise their freedoms. And clouding your mind with such thoughts as "He has a similar name to a terrorist" is exactly the kind of stupidity that makes me believe that we, as a nation, if a portion of us truly believes that... why are we free? Why are we allowed to have these freedoms?

And don't call me unpatriotic or anything. I love living here overall, it just makes me sad that people who say things like you've stated have a legitimate voice. Again, vote how you want, but use your brain. Vote based on issues and how the candidate will represent the country, not based on a name, not based on what kind of zingers they can let fly in the debates, and not based on soundbites where a candidate makes a mistake or a slip. These things are NOT important. We're talking about electing a leader of one of the more powerful countries in the world, and you're saying his name is important? That is sickening.

I will drive home the point one last time: VOTE HOW YOU WANT! That's what a vote is for. I personally don't agree with McCain on a lot of issues and I don't feel Palin would be a good VP or (god forbid) if McCain were to die in office she would not be an effective president at all, and I do like a lot of Obama's social issues and i think Biden would be a better resource for Obama as far as foreign policy goes. That's me. Other people should disagree, discuss, debate, and decide. That's why we have the system in place that we do, and that's the way it should be. But again, keep sight on legitimate issues.

This is exactly the thing that I DO like about McCain though. Honestly, I don't think he'd be a horrific president. I don't want to see the war going on anymore because it's pointless, but I do think that McCain would be an improvement. It's really good to see that it's not a personal battle between them, they're both applying for a job. That's that. And for this video and this exact reason, I do applaud McCain a great deal.
This is exactly the thing that I DO like about McCain though. Honestly, I don't think he'd be a horrific president. I don't want to see the war going on anymore because it's pointless, but I do think that McCain would be an improvement. It's really good to see that it's not a personal battle between them, they're both applying for a job. That's that. And for this video and this exact reason, I do applaud McCain a great deal.

I actually feel sorry for McCain there, having to realise how ignorant and backwards his fanbase are must have been tough.
ALL of his fanbase? If so I take offense to that remark.
NOBODY has worse supporters than Ron Paul, their zealot-like backing probably cost him a chance, all the anti-Paul conspiracies aside...
Oh lawd...the hits just keep coming on Hussein Obama's character...

The Cleveland Leader said:
Minnesota Man Claims He Took Drugs & Had Sex with Barack Obama in 1999

Barack Obama now faces a new challenge - one that is sure to be much more scandalous than anything he's seen so far. If the allegations are to be believed, it's also a scandal that his campaign has tried to cover up. A Minnesota man has come forth, claiming that he took cocaine in 1999 with Obama, the then-Illinois legislator, and participated in homosexual acts with him.

Larry Sinclair, the man making the claims, said his story was ignored by the news media. Still not willing to let this one slip quietly under the rug, Sinclair made a YouTube video in which he made his case. It's had over half a million views already, but the story has still been largely ignored by the news media.

Sinclair's next step was to file a suit in Minnesota District Court, in which he alleges threats and intimidation by the Democratic presidential candidate's staff.

Still out to prove that he is telling the truth, Sinclair said he is willing to submit to a polygraph test. A website (WhiteHouse.com) has come forth offering him $10,000 for the right to record the polygraph test, and another $100,000 if he passes it.

Sinclair lives in Duluth, Minnesota, and in his filing, charges that his civil rights have been violated by Barack Obama and the Democratic Party. Obama, David Axelrod of AKP Message & Media in Chicago, and the Democratic National Committee have been named as defendants in the case.

Sinclair, who describes himself as gay, claims they met in an upscale Chicago lounge. They left in Sinclair's limo, where the drug use and sex allegedly took place for the first time. Sinclair says that Obama smoked crack cocaine, and that he snorted powder cocaine provided by Obama.

Sinclair, 46, says that he no longer uses drugs. He claims to be physically disabled, but says that he was not physically impaired in 1999 when they met.

Regarding the claims, Sinclair said:

"My motivation for making this public is my desire for a presidential candidate to be honest. I didn't want the sex thing to come out. But I think it is important for the candidate to be honest about his drug use as late as 1999."

Check out Larry Sinclair's YouTube Videos and his claims against Barack Obama

OH WOW....you mean some guy on youtube claims to have had sex and taken drugs with Barack Hussein Obama! That must be true...I mean, the guy on youtube is saying it! He's willing to take a FUCKING POLYGRAPH!!! A TEST OF UNQUESTIONABLE ACCURACY OMZ!!!HAI111LOLZ!!! TO THE STREETS EVERYBODY!!!!!

By the way guys...two weekends ago in Vegas, Ascension, McCain, and Myself had a drunken threesome after burning/raping/killing (in that order) some golden retriever puppies during our Neo-Nazi dinner party. Trust me, it happened, I'll take a polygraph.

But seriously...I'm split between being entirely convinced this is all one big joke from you and feeling incredibly sorry for any friends/family who have stuck with you this long
Barack has already admitted to doing coke and pot in his youth. So what? At least he's being honest and not hiding it. Again... what's the point? Is something he did 10-20 years ago REALLY that important when it was something in his own personal life and had nothing to do with his voting record nor his policies. So... again, assuming this *were* true (which I highly doubt), it has nothing to do with him as a politician. Next point?
This is exactly the thing that I DO like about McCain though. Honestly, I don't think he'd be a horrific president. I don't want to see the war going on anymore because it's pointless, but I do think that McCain would be an improvement. It's really good to see that it's not a personal battle between them, they're both applying for a job. That's that. And for this video and this exact reason, I do applaud McCain a great deal.
Yep, he's a competent guy/statesman (unlike Palin), and would certainly be an improvement over Bush (though what is that really saying ;))...but many of his policies seem ineffective and outdated. His campaign is reeling and I think his goose is cooked at this point...his time was back in 2000, but Bush went below the belt on him and he never recovered.
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