2008 Political debate thread

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Personally, I wouldn't trust the viewpoint of a writer that's writing for a website that advertises "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming".
I'm still wondering what your justification is in response to my points i've posted dude. It appears you don't have any...

As far as Clinton's involvement in Fannie Mae etc, i don't know enough about it to say shit on the subject. I can say (and this is irrefutable) that the country was in MUCH better economic status under Clinton than it is under Bush. I've heard people say that Clinton got lucky because he just happened to be in office during the internet boom, and that's a fair enough point. Still, it appears to me that there was much less spending going on and the Clinton days, or at least spending was done in a way that left some money in the bank. So yes... in that regard, Clinton did a much better job than Bush.
Clinton got handed a silver platter of "Win"...

:lol: pretty much the truth... but again, while it may be a case of "Right place, right time", he still was there and did handle that situation effectively. that's neither here nor there at this point though. I will say that I find it really, really odd that Clinton gets this country in good economic standing, has good relations with foreign countries (at least to the best of my knowledge... anyone willing to prove me wrong can feel free) and at the time, it seemed like we were overall just less hated as a nation in the overall scope of the world. Yet Clinton gets a blowjob and all of a sudden there are people who say he's a horrible president. At the same time, Bush has destroyed a lot of relationships (while, granted, I believe the leader of France is still a fan of Bush and I'm sure we have other allies) and overall we're much more disliked over the course of his Presidency, and we're in the worst economic status since the great depression, yet there are a lot of people who hold strong to the stance that he's done a great job. I honestly don't understand this, but whatever. I honestly feel that either candidate would be better than Bush (again, I'm very concerned with McCain's choice of VP) and Obama just happens to be aligned more towards my views (social issues, war support, etc). Therefore he gets my vote, but this is not a situation where i feel like we're completely fucked if McCain is in office... I would just prefer to see someone new in office.
We could be fucked with either candidate, and not necessarily because of things they did/didn't do...the world is just that fucked up right now. Just keep your sense of humor intact and try to "enjoy" the ride :D
And I hope it is a long, bumpy and entertaining ride to the bottom!:lol:
1929, Yep, pretty much...different circumstances, but yeah, you're on to me!

On a side note, I refuse to utter or type Obama's name after this. I hereby refer to him as



Wow, that was an amusing two pages of catch up.

Mostly people saying who has a right to involvement with voting... considering many voters that will be in Obamas camp... good lord !

I agree with Zachs concern with the issues at hand regarding policies, as if anyone has presented strong policies to at least get the ship to glance off the iceberg.

However Obama is NOT an American to me. He has had affiliations with Muslim, whom I find no amusment with, then left his "church". His wife is a black racist. Many of Americas current problems exist around the nuturing of other cultures, countries and peoples that are not of this country. So I do consider this a reasonable concern in these times. There is also the issues brought up in ABQ's posted vid on whom benefited from the massive mortage scam that brought us a nice share of our current economic affairs. The Clintons were big on real estate scams as well but got off the hook, much like.... OJ

Then there is an interest in the fact that we really went down the tubes after a Democratic majority happened.

But whos to say, who the bigger crooks are ? Or if they are all equal trade offs on varying angles of scams and disasters, should I choose an American or a nomad ? A yuppy or a hardened, proven patriot ?

I'd still prefer to vote with a shotgun... then see whos got the balls to step up to the plate after a massive politician funeral..........
Unfortunately, Zach, I feel we will be "fucked" with Obama in the office, per our EPIC MSN CHAT.

I think you had some valid points to what you said, though i'm not convinced that it'll be as detrimental as you say. Still, I'm thinking more and more of "throwing my vote away" on a third party candidate that I honestly believe would do better than either of them. At least when all goes down the shitter, I'll be able to live with myself.

Wow, that was an amusing two pages of catch up.

Mostly people saying who has a right to involvement with voting... considering many voters that will be in Obamas camp... good lord !

I agree with Zachs concern with the issues at hand regarding policies, as if anyone has presented strong policies to at least get the ship to glance off the iceberg.

However Obama is NOT an American to me. He has had affiliations with Muslim, whom I find no amusment with, then left his "church". His wife is a black racist. Many of Americas current problems exist around the nuturing of other cultures, countries and peoples that are not of this country. So I do consider this a reasonable concern in these times. There is also the issues brought up in ABQ's posted vid on whom benefited from the massive mortage scam that brought us a nice share of our current economic affairs. The Clintons were big on real estate scams as well but got off the hook, much like.... OJ

Then there is an interest in the fact that we really went down the tubes after a Democratic majority happened.

But whos to say, who the bigger crooks are ? Or if they are all equal trade offs on varying angles of scams and disasters, should I choose an American or a nomad ? A yuppy or a hardened, proven patriot ?

I'd still prefer to vote with a shotgun... then see whos got the balls to step up to the plate after a massive politician funeral..........

I think you have some good insight in this post. The fact is there IS no good candidate. There never is. this country is too diverse to have a good candidate that can do well by all the citizens regardless of class, race, region, etc. My big problem on the McCain side of things is Palin for exactly that reason. Her down home, small town politics may work in rural Alaska, but what good will it do for the nation as a whole? I don't think she has the understanding to make effective decisions based on the big picture... and I think that unfortunately with McCain getting up there in years, it's very possible that she WILL be given some control over such things if elected.
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