2012 Opinions

Thanks. :)

The Mithras connection is especially worthy of analysis, for sure. I've heard about that several times.

I was essentially curious as to what way you meant that Christianity was "created" by Rome. Your explanation is reasonable for Christianity and it's nature post Constantine, but early Christianity could hardly be said to be created by the Empire.
After the ascension of Jesus, the Gospel was spread to "Gentiles". As the teachings (so remote from anything anyone outside Israel had encountered before) spread into the Grecian influenced Roman empire, the teachings became "hellenized". This also would have been indirectly caused by a lack of knowledge, since copies of the "Old testament" would not be available, and upon hearing of about a "new God", people could have converted, but only knowing their former ways of worship, continued in those ways but to a new diety.

Under Constantine, scattered groups of "Christians" (Christ coming from a Greek word. He would not have been called this by his disciples,since he was Jewish) ceased being persecuted and instead became the "state religion". To reduce protests by previously none-Christians, he officially "Christianized" well documented ancient pagan holidays such as the Winter Solstice (Christmas), and the Spring Equinox (Easter).The day of worship was set as Sunday to appease the large group of Apollo worshippers.

Nothing about Christianity in its form of worhip reflects anything from Bible. It does however reflect the many religions in the Roman empire in the early centuries, as well as pagan customs from much earlier.

I also read a very interesting book a couple of years ago outlining a arguement that Constantine was actually a follower of Mithras, and that there are many parallels in Christianity to Mithraism, and that the reason it went from the height of it's popularity in the 3rd century to disappearing by the 4th century was due to its direct assimilation.

Can't be assed to read through the entire thread..

I just dearly hope that no one in this forum believes anything will happen on 2012..if you do, you're a fucking moron..if I told you that the world will end in 2072 would you believe me? NO?! WELL THEN WHY THE FUCK DO YOU BELIEVE THAT JUST BECAUSE SOME UNEDUCATED MAYAN WHO FINALLY GOT TIRED OF FILLING IN DATES FOR A DAMN CALENDAR ACTUALLY PREDICTED THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT?!

The Y2K scare was bad enough..now this 2012 bullshit is just pissing me off again!

BTW does anyone know of any Y2K videos where they film a family that sells all the shit they own, enter a bomb shelter with radioactive suits and stock up on food supplies and then see their reactions when the fireworks go off and nothing happens? I would pay good money to see that!

Maybe I should make a film about some 2012 family that goes insane and film their dumbass reactions on the days of the "predicted doomsday" (aren't there like 2 different days now that could possibly be the end of the world?) and then sell it to CBS and make bank
Can't be assed to read through the entire thread..

I just dearly hope that no one in this forum believes anything will happen on 2012..if you do, you're a fucking moron..if I told you that the world will end in 2072 would you believe me? NO?! WELL THEN WHY THE FUCK DO YOU BELIEVE THAT JUST BECAUSE SOME UNEDUCATED MAYAN WHO FINALLY GOT TIRED OF FILLING IN DATES FOR A DAMN CALENDAR ACTUALLY PREDICTED THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT?!

The Y2K scare was bad enough..now this 2012 bullshit is just pissing me off again!

BTW does anyone know of any Y2K videos where they film a family that sells all the shit they own, enter a bomb shelter with radioactive suits and stock up on food supplies and then see their reactions when the fireworks go off and nothing happens? I would pay good money to see that!

Maybe I should make a film about some 2012 family that goes insane and film their dumbass reactions on the days of the "predicted doomsday" (aren't there like 2 different days now that could possibly be the end of the world?) and then sell it to CBS and make bank

also your sig is best sig ever
Do some research on this if you really think this is the end of the world.There has been many prediction on the end of the world and then nothing happen.I am sick of this 2012 being the end of the world when the mayans did not predict that it was the end.I read a story online about some mayan guy named Apolinario Chile Pixtun who got sicked of the questions about Dec 21 2012 and does not think the end will happen.
It's not the end of the world, it's the end of the Mayan long count calendar and starts a new "age".

CC is extremely ill-informed though to call the Mayans "un-educated".
This is y2k all over again.

this was pretty much my thought
although there's prolly gonna be some sort of natural disaster that destroys the area of mexico where the myans lived, but i really don't think the rest of the planet is going to die
this was pretty much my thought
although there's prolly gonna be some sort of natural disaster that destroys the area of mexico where the myans lived, but i really don't think the rest of the planet is going to die

People keep saying that the mayns predicted the end of the world but they didn't say it was the end of the world but a new age.Has anyone see the new movie 2012 yet?It had a good trailer but I have a felling that it will be a waste of time.
^ We are not talking about the movie :)

just one proposition : The mayans might be mistaken coz they didn't know that the earth was egg-shaped which is a very important piece of information for astronomers :)
Well, actually if we are entering the 7th cycle then yeah, we probably are gonna see the world end. I would imagine the Mayans kept good track of time with little else to do with it. Like in music, time repeats itself and gives birth to a new idea after so long, much like the first idea but on a different level. No proof required, look around you. What's dying before your eyes? Who is dying? What is suddenly ending your way of life today?

Important questions, more important quest for knowledge :)
Great posts guys, thanks.
Lots of things to consider, as it is a pretty contravercial subject.
We will just have to wait and see i guess. I cant wait to see how busy this thread is going to be on December 22 2012! I should rename it the I TOLD YOU SO thread.

I believe that in 2012 the big asteroid is going to come and smoke our asses, but before that in complete panic all the computers of the world are going to go into total destruction mode, starting electrical fires, fireing off Nukes. Then in the midst of all this chaos, the Jehova Witness's will see the coming of their lord and by his hand he will calm the quaking earth, rejuvinate its atmosphere and the meek shall inherate the earth, and there lions shall lay down with lambs....

Ya, thats what I think