

Mar 2, 2007
Montreal, Canada.
2012, is it really the beginning of the end?

What do you think about it? :lol:

Sick and bored, but I'm interested in your thoughts.

Personally, I think it's a load of bull. We're all gonna die someday!


A few links if you don't know what I'm talking about :lol:
Wiki 2012
2012 is sometimes claimed to be a great year of spiritual transformation (or apocalypse). Many esoteric sources interpret the completion of the thirteenth B'ak'tun cycle in the Long Count of the Maya calendar (which occurs on December 21 by the most widely held correlation) to mean there will be a major change in world order.
Mayan Calender and 2012
Mayan Calender and 2012 #2
Random beliefs about 2012.
This made me *LOLWUT* :lol:
Seriously speaking:

1999 was supposed to be the end, according to Nostradamus.

These prophecies can suck my bawlz. My fists can destroy stars, so I will save you all my brethren, from the evil claws of Armageddon.
Yeah, obviously the mayans knew a lot more stuff about science and the universe than we do, despite the fact that they were überpwned by 16th century spanish conquerors. So, of course, if they say the world ends in 2012, even if there's no credible evidence otherwise, then it must be true!
I'd say it is about time mankind was buttraped for once. We don't do anything except shit on everywhere we go.
2012 is pretty convincing, but you have to keep in mind. Nowhere does it say that the world is going to end, only that the concept of time (Their calendar) is no more. With all the Mayan scriptures that were burned when the spanish ransacked the land, for all we know 2012 is just a date where they are going to (If they were still alive) make a new calendar. And as far as I know, it was rather easy for the spanish to ransack the mayan land. So if they for toled this fateful event of strangers coming to their land and ransacking, don't you think they would have prepared in advanced or something? Also you must keep in mind that the Mayans did not believe in endings, but they believed in new beginnings. It could be a whole new age of spiritual enlightenment for betterment for our past mistakes. So that taking the burning of most of the mayan scriptures into account, we can never say for sure what happens on 2012. Only time will tell.

Also, I used to talk to a teacher on Anthropology (the study of human cultures) at a college nearby. He was very intelligent in ancient civilizations, and he told me something that comforted me when I was all doom preacher status.

"Don't be afraid, the light at the end of the tunnel isn't death, but life itself."

There are also theories suggesting that something that made us humans so ignorant, will be ripped from us, such as oil. Or something that makes our economy revolve. There is all this talk about the age of enlightenment, which I think is the best possible theory.

The only thing I do hope, is that at least a small shred of humanity survives and we get a new start. Wouldn't it be cool to be apart of that little piece of humanity?