5 best black metal

penance-soiree said:
aye. You seen some of those Burzum sites? pyar obsessive Varg worshippers willing to die for him etc. Friggin nutjobs man. His escape attempt made me grin.

Akercocke- now theres a band who truly understand Satanism. Ace. Jason's new column in Metal Hammer is worth buyin tha mag for.
Varg's escape was a good laugh indeed - he thought some inmates were gonna kill him, so he ran for his mommy :tickled:

Akercocke, don't know them - they got a site?
access denied... i would check that out but right now i'm at my mum's work, which happens to be a primary school. God damn internet patrol thingy.

I'll ave a mooch when I get home. Not enought BM bands play in UK it takes the piss.

Mortiis in september tho! bring on electro goth synth beats muthafucka. Lookin forward to that.
what the hell are u talking crazy for.. what happend to ur mar paying for the next lid adventure.. hey hey hey.. dont tell me education is gonna get in the way cos god knows its too late for that.

all u do is smoke in college anyway!
penance-soiree said:
Mortiis in september tho! bring on electro goth synth beats muthafucka. Lookin forward to that.

this pretentious poor sod would know no more about electro than my big toe :tickled:
going away in the summer holidays is expensive and over rated.. amsterdam smamsterdam we are going to istanbul.. in september u are coming if u have to get a job and pay for it urself jus think of all the duty free fags cave. and sum sun on your pale black metal skin