some interesting thought on the development (i.e. death) of current black metal are here:
Varg's escape was a good laugh indeed - he thought some inmates were gonna kill him, so he ran for his mommypenance-soiree said:aye. You seen some of those Burzum sites? pyar obsessive Varg worshippers willing to die for him etc. Friggin nutjobs man. His escape attempt made me grin.
Akercocke- now theres a band who truly understand Satanism. Ace. Jason's new column in Metal Hammer is worth buyin tha mag for.
bleed_black_orchid said:hahaha cave - friends... wats the world coming to!
oi cavid u cummin istanbul end of september..
penance-soiree said:and erm...
this is a thread about black metal. sacrificing virgins, worshippin the almighty goat lord and burning down churches etc etc (heh)
thanks, they seem to know what they stand for, I'll have a listenpenance-soiree said:
penance-soiree said:Mortiis in september tho! bring on electro goth synth beats muthafucka. Lookin forward to that.