5 best black metal

if cradle of filth have anything to do with black metal then Im glad I dont know anything about it.

Im with dhatura carcass is good.. I dont usually like death metal. prolly cos i wdnt know what it was if it bit me in the arse.
Bambi said:
Orignality is worth much more than quality. you dont see the mc5 the stooges or the 13th floor elevators on the punk thread even tho they were punk long before punk happened. They had the balls to play like that in the middle of the bloated prog hippy era when they would of been derided for it.

Same with venom, they were the trailblazers, if they hadnt done their thing you can forget about norway in the 90s. I remember seeing venom t-shirts as a kid and going "what the fuck is that!?" and hearing under the sign of the black mark for the first time while all me mates either pissed themselves laughing at it or just looked sponky eyed. You could probably say the same for darkthrone i guess. That counts for more than those who reaped what the innovators sow

i agree, i never got off on all of that norwegian stuff, what was it all about
talkin' bout black metal....

@french anatheman: thanks for the PM with the list! Can you tell me the reasons why Marduk, Mayhem and Darkthrone are suspected of being NS?

Marduk - Panzer Division album? But this could just represent a historical interest/fascination for war (like Slayer).
Darkthrone - original text on Transylvanian Hunger (True Arisk Black Metal or something), but that was years ago, maybe they have grown up?
No problem for the list!
Hum...in some interviews i've read, in which it was asked Morgan (guitarist) if war was just a fascination, he didn't answered explicitly.
Regarding Darkthrone, when "Transilvanian hunger" got released, yes indeed there was this inscription "Norsk Arisk black metal", but they said too that the people that would try to criticize the album would be considered as jews!
Moreover, some lyrics and some titles are strange -> "Kathaarian Life Code"
Strange right?
But it is only rumor, since they never confessed anything.
Legion of Marduk:

[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Why the wartheme?[/font]

[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Because life is a war, man`s evolution and the glory of nations are based on war. If you want something you gotta go out and take it because nobody is gonna give you anything for free. War has always fascinated us and we have always wanted to do a concept album about it so we did and made an important statement to our fans` we are never going to go soft. We will always fight to stay on top as the most brutal black metal band in the world.[/font]
Emperor muthafuckers! yearse!

erm.. Satyricon, Immortal, Mayhem, Dimmu....

s'all good. Darkthrone...

cave luv bitta black metal.

especially Emperor/Zyklon cuz they don't use the whole Satanism thing as a publicity tool or an image concept, they actualy believed and lived by it.

Anyone read 'Lords of Chaos'?

LaVey- woo! that reminds me, claire can I have my book back soon x
tis good. except when it gets to about 6 chapters about ancient mythological gods. the 90s black metal scene took the piss, now nazi idots like Varg spouting to the press about how he hates them and has the urge to kill etc. LaVey hated all that typa stuff, infact the interview with him towards the end is brilliant.

"These people are obsessed with darkness and death, there's nothing self indulgent about that!"
Blasphemer of Mayhem:

"Black metal is a feeling. It is a feeling about being free, about being freed from the repulsive aspects of society. I am sure that black has a very different feeling from, for example death metal which is more physical, as opposed to black metal which is a more mental thing. Black metal involves music and lyrics but also philosophy and energy."
penance-soiree said:
tis good. except when it gets to about 6 chapters about ancient mythological gods. the 90s black metal scene took the piss, now nazi idots like Varg spouting to the press about how he hates them and has the urge to kill etc. LaVey hated all that typa stuff, infact the interview with him towards the end is brilliant.

"These people are obsessed with darkness and death, there's nothing self indulgent about that!"
agreed, Varg is a nutter alright - I liked LaVey but also the comments by Ulver and Ihsahn, they showed some intelligence instead :worship:
aye. You seen some of those Burzum sites? pyar obsessive Varg worshippers willing to die for him etc. Friggin nutjobs man. His escape attempt made me grin.

Akercocke- now theres a band who truly understand Satanism. Ace. Jason's new column in Metal Hammer is worth buyin tha mag for.