5 best black metal

I am glad to see that people can appreciate both Antimatter and Immortal!
It seemed like people were becoming more and more narrow-minded, but "open-mindness" is the law!
Alwin said:
Drudkh: aren't they NSBM?
I listened to some Graveland stuff on the Internet and it's very good! But I hesitate in buying it because of the NS sympathies of Darken. What's your point of view on this?
Drudkh is composed of people related to some NSBM bands you're right...
But the concept is slightly different, more about nature and not supremacy of my ass...
I can understand people could not buy some politically oriented stuff, but for me, only their music is important, and after all, we could also say that we live in a democratic world!
I guess people can express themselves as they want!
But i don't wanna be categorized as a nazi or a racist, i am not fond of politics to be honest, that's pretty boring, politicians are almost all the same...fuckers only interested in earning money.
I don't like nazi ideology, but the communist one is the same for me and no one protests about that..:puke: i hate politics.
Sorry for giving my opinion
only the music is truly important!:Spin:
If you want a list of nazi bands, to be sure that what you buy is ok, i ll give you one...just ask.
french_anatheman said:
If you want a list of nazi bands, to be sure that what you buy is ok, i ll give you one...just ask.
yes, I would like that; send a PM or email please

It's only music that counts? I find it tempting to agree with you, but I guess I don't. However, where to draw the line? It's not like I think saying "kill all christians" is acceptable but "kill all jews" is not. Maybe I just don't want to hear it that explicit. But then what about "Slay the Nazarene" of Marduk? Hmmm...

There's also this thread about the issue of NSBM:

Any other opinions out there?
Alwin said:
It's not like I think saying "kill all christians" is acceptable but "kill all jews" is not.

A stupid radio announcer said it on Hungarian Forbidden Radio "all the Christians should be exterminated", maybe he thought it was funny but then the radio was stopped, haha. After all we're a Christian country :cool:
I think the problems occur when idiology is transformed into politics or laws or actions.
I don't mind buying albums from bands with strong 'convictions' or messages as long as I know the money is not used to finance nazi or extremist groups (very few bands openly admit that though...).
As far as BM bands are concerned, I don't really know, i'm not into this kind of music but I remember I hesistated a long time before buying Burzum and Marduk albums.If I was to get rid of all my albums with politically incorrect opinions or hateful messages, I would have to throw 2/3 of my death metal, thrash and hardcore CDs away...
I used to know a girl who said she had a proof Slayer gives a part of the money they earn to a German neo-nazi party... She was a metalhead and a Slayer fan, but a Jewish activist too, so I don't know if this story is to be trusted.
I always wondered if Slayer are a lil bit nazis, cos they have Angel of Death (although that's from a neutral point I think), and the very 'Germanish' eagle logo, and the S in the Slayer logo is the same font as the SS logo.
No one has given me a clear answer yet though.
and jeff hanneman used to have ss divisons sleeve bands painted on his guitars??

all i know is hanneman was big into nazi memorabillia at one stage :ill:
Bambi said:
all i know is hanneman was big into nazi memorabillia at one stage :ill:

That could come from some historical interest too :D

My friend whose father flew with the Germans said he's interested in the Luftwaffe but that doesn't make him a nazi.

And that's quite strange, I mean Slayer tending towards nazism, Tom Araya is of some native American blood, isn't he?
Cerulean said:
I always wondered if Slayer are a lil bit nazis, cos they have Angel of Death (although that's from a neutral point I think), and the very 'Germanish' eagle logo, and the S in the Slayer logo is the same font as the SS logo.
No one has given me a clear answer yet though.
i guess americans tend to handle the subject not with all too much care, at least related to europeans who have been told about it at least a dozen times in school. i think it's just carelessness when they use such symbols, and if you add a general redneck attitude, it's indeed quite hard to draw the line.
if i have any suspection that a band is on the brown side, i'll leave it out, and no gorgeous riff or übercool blast beat will ever change that.
Malaclypse said:
i guess americans tend to handle the subject not with all too much care, at least related to europeans who have been told about it at least a dozen times in school. i think it's just carelessness when they use such symbols, and if you add a general redneck attitude, it's indeed quite hard to draw the line.
if i have any suspection that a band is on the brown side, i'll leave it out, and no gorgeous riff or übercool blast beat will ever change that.
Hmm, true, but if a European band did that they'd be boycotted to death. Especially here in Belgium/Flanders where it seems to be forbidden to praise the own culture :Smug:
Ancient Rites have this problem. They have lyrics about the European and Flemish history, have a flag of a Flemish lion on stage etc. They praise their own culture but WITHOUT attacking another one, still, the Flemish politically correct brigade boycotts them in an unbelievable way.
Dhatura said:
And that's quite strange, I mean Slayer tending towards nazism, Tom Araya is of some native American blood, isn't he?
My thoughts exactly, that's the only thing really preventing me from believing Slayer to be a nazi band. I mean, a pretty dark skinned dude singing about the Aryan race and that is weird eh, so it's probably not to be taken seriously at all.
i guess they wanted some evil sounding stuff for lyrics, and the 3rd reich always comes in handy for that.
and about the boycot stuff - same thing here in germany, of course. if i tell someone i listen to totenmond i have to explain over and over that they are not racist or affiliated with nazis. people just see them and judge.
and btw - everyone can be racist, not just white males...
Yep but i think that NSBM does not really deal automatically with Jewish genocide or stuff like that, but glorification of a race, or supremacy of little weasels in dee deep forests...
More seriously, even the most famous bands have some strange ideas, often implicit ones, but i don't care if a band is racist if i like the music. I don't pay much attention to the black metal-like lyrics.
Well, anyways, no need to play black metal to have doubtful ideas...Wagner was, as far as i can remember having read about him, a first-class elitist and a very hateful person...and some Gangsta-rap bands are very very violent too.
But well
yeah sure, it all boils down to where you want to draw the line. but i for myself don't like to be associated with any of this, even by mistake, so i leave it out. there are loads of other bands to listen to.