A survey to prove a rumor about metalheads

Very simply, the decline and assumed death of the music industry as we know it is due to the greed and ignorant entitlement that has been instilled upon the current and future generations. With the availability of the internet and the option of free entertainment through illegal downloading, it's obvious that people would rather steal with very little risk of punishment than to truly support art. Given the world we live in where convenience is extolled, it's easy to see how such a conclusion can be reached.

As more art is swallowed up by the digital age, more and more quality works will suffer. Music has been easily stolen thanks to the ease in which it can be digitized and experienced without much of a decline in the original quality. Books and movies, I feel, will soon follow. Films however are still going strong currently with the sole fact that is it still very difficult to recreate the experience of watching a new film in a theater.

You believe in the same sense of entitlement - only for artists... True artists will make work regardless of whether they are making money or not. The nice aspect of a band living off their music is they have more time to focus on their music alone as opposed to it competing with a daytime job. However, the rockstar concept is what spawned things like MTV - the music wasn't just about music anymore it was about image and actions as well.

I would love to be able to support the metal artists I listen to once I am out of school, but I'm thankful the internet has opened up a new avenue for people who just want to make music and be heard.
One thing the internet can do is cheapen the value of individual songs/albums in a way, simply because its possible to have access to so much at once. Back when I was a kid an album cost a lot of money for me then and each one was treasured and listened to many many times. Although its fantastic being able to get online and discover lots of new bands in any genre I choose, it also detracts from the experience in a way I think. Its much more fulfilling to buy an album on a whim having heard the odd track somewhere and really get into it.
I download from the internet and I buy CDs and other stuff for the bands that I feel they're worth supporting.
^what he said. except replace "worth supporting" with "absolutely love". i have a lot of music in the "pretty good" category that i dont have cds of. that will change when i get richer (cds are like 20+ bucks here).
I honestly believe, through personal experience, that downloading actually helps musicians, as long as the people who download aren't complete douchebags. Being a poor college student, I'll admit that I have downloaded music before, but without downloading I wouldn't have found out about the majority of the bands that have made it into my top 10. And with the amount of gigs that I go to and CDs that I've gone back and purchased (which eventually I'll purchase all the cds that I've downloaded, I'm getting close) I feel that downloading has been helpful to the artists that I have downloaded from. Of course there'll be douchebags that won't support the artists, even if they like their music, but hopefully most people aren't like that
I been wating to buy cds on the internet but my dad doesn't think it a good idea since people steel your number and all of that stuff.

Has something bad to any of you when you were buying your music on the internet?
You believe in the same sense of entitlement - only for artists... True artists will make work regardless of whether they are making money or not. The nice aspect of a band living off their music is they have more time to focus on their music alone as opposed to it competing with a daytime job. However, the rockstar concept is what spawned things like MTV - the music wasn't just about music anymore it was about image and actions as well.

Yes...MTV did spawned things like image and actions.
So people still buy albums but now they'll look for the cheaper option, and very rarely will that option be buying from a store. As much as I find it sad that smaller stores are affected and have to close, would I buy a cd for 20$ that I could get for 10$ online? I'm sorry but the answer is no.

Yeah, this pretty much sums it up. If I had to pay $20 apiece I'd download like a motherfucker and only buy a special few; instead I can get shit from CMD for $2 so I buy stuff I never ever would have considered...

Small stores are cool to go into and all, but it's not a huge loss as far as I'm concerned. The one thing I don't like about metal moving more and more onto the internet is that it becomes increasingly difficult to differentiate between the underground bands that are full bands with members who know their shit and play their hearts out and rule but are unheard of and the "bands" that consist of some fat Norwegian teenager yowling into protools.
Yes...MTV did spawned things like image and actions.

Which in turn created people like dodens, it's absurd to think about the term "poser" applied to music:

(compliments of urban dictionary)

1.one who pretends to be someone whose not.
2. who tries to fit in but with exaggeration

I don't know what the above has to do with music whatsoever, it has to do with listening to music in a certain way, and it's counterproductive to the listener. i look at someone like v5 who has a broad knowledge of metal music but he doesn't constrain himself within image boundaries. As he has stated on these boards before "if it sounds good I will listen to it" (paraphrased). And good for him, sucks to be the people limiting themselves to what they can listen to.
Not surprising, sad but it is the harsh reality. I do think that its true though that more is being purchased; its just all online now, its easier and cheaper. Always been a supporter of my bands and recently downloaded about 100 cds before my deployment to Iraq and will be buying atleast 30 of them when I get home and half will be deleted and the remainder will get some more occasional play time and if they grow on will be purchased in the future. And to make you all feel better about this I currently have a cart on theendrecords with 80 cds in it that will be purchased in a week or so, all for $1000, thats why retailer stores are suffering. Support your Bands!
Which in turn created people like dodens, it's absurd to think about the term "poser" applied to music:

(compliments of urban dictionary)

1.one who pretends to be someone whose not.
2. who tries to fit in but with exaggeration

I don't know what the above has to do with music whatsoever, it has to do with listening to music in a certain way, and it's counterproductive to the listener. i look at someone like v5 who has a broad knowledge of metal music but he doesn't constrain himself within image boundaries. As he has stated on these boards before "if it sounds good I will listen to it" (paraphrased). And good for him, sucks to be the people limiting themselves to what they can listen to.

:lol:At the dodens part.I agree with you on this.You can listen to metal and not act or drees like a metalhead.
My post wasn't even serious. :lol:

You're not a poser just because you don't buy albums, but you are a fucking douchebag and most likely a faggot too. Also the idea that I somehow limit what I allow myself to listen to based on genre restrictions or something of that sort is a great source of amusement to me.

PS the whole "artist entitlement" post I really found amusing as well. Who do these artists think they are?
I think people would buy more cds if they weren't priced at 12-20$. Make them 5$ and people will buy them. It amuses me when i see underground metal CD's priced at 15-19$ on most metal distro's. (IMPORT) lol...
it definitely is strange how NWN! can sell every cd at no more than 7$ and no way is he a big a distro but no one else can...