Wow, thanks for all the survey responses and the discussion
I think that when this survey finishes, I might have to do another one to find out how the average metalhead branches out into other genres and how they support them (CD purchases, concert visits, merchandise purchases? etc.), like BlackMetalWhiteGuy suggested.
You've also mentioned online stores vs. real stores, the survey doesn't really make a difference where you get your CDs from, but the last question asks whether you believe that CD stores are going to disappear. We seem to be a very pessimistic bunch so far, most answers are yes
I think the music industry is being a big baby, by the way. Most good music isn't made by bands on major labels, most good music is made by musicians that still have to pay for their own instruments, recording sessions, cover artwork etc. They pay it up front and hope to at least break even.
I talked to Eviga and Valnes from Dornenreich for example, and even though they have a huge following, they can't live just from the music. On the other end of the spectrum you have Britney Spears who turns dozens of old farts at record labels into millionaires.
The music industry is a very weird business...
It's amazing to see the loyalty in metal, though. It's like Sam Dunn says, we are one global tribe, with rules, rituals, loyalty and all that
And about the "downloading increases sales" statement, I think it is absolutely true. The big labels have a problem with that statement, though, because it's mostly small bands and independent labels that profit. I bet barely anyone buys the latest Lady Gaga after downloading it and listening to it twice, pop music today just isn't deep enough for that, I think, so I can easily believe the major labels are losing on downloads.
But to the metal, major labels never mattered much anyway, did they?