About 2-3 years

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percentage of people who have made a jack frober joke in the last two weeks even though they weren't around when the joke originated: 100%
there were a few people who were there for jack frober orignally, i saw a couple, but does it really matter, i mean we have the thread, and some of us have seen it, if you know the entire story, does the timline really matter.

that's like saying you shouldn't talk about moby dick because you weren't around when it was written???
Everyone should stop with ALL of those overused phrases (Jack Frober, about 2-3 years, and ...Satan)...not because you're afraid Sam will ban you, but because ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, the horse is fucking dead already, move the hell on, FFS.
Ok, so about 4 people got banned, and yes it was for "About 2-3 weeks". I don't know if I'm finished or not... but I guess that's up to you. Spam is not permitted, and I am a tyrant.
^^ It is.. but yeah I guess it's spamming. Will take a 2-3 weeks break now. Hoping for great new threads when I'm back from vacation. Cya! :)
^ Guess we both had the same stupid idea.
It's spamming, he should have simply banned them, but he was nice enough to just suspend them.
Abuse of power does not apply to members breaking a mod's request to behave just to be the class clown. Some of the most retarded jokes ever originate here and they die here as well. I hope Samsara can crack down on all of it and bring it to and end even if it takes 3-4 years.
Hey Mr.S,
I really appreciate what you do for this Forum. But I have to say this 4-5 Years thing [writer added 2 years on each value to not get banned] is really just a little joke that I myself find pretty amusing.
IMO thats nothing close to spam. More like a running-gag kind'a thing...
Don´t you think youre overreacting, perhaps because you didn´t know about the origin of this term and felt foreclosed in some way?

....couldn´t -...resist....writing...
The thing is that posting the "2-3 years" "joke" in serious threads or whatever make it stop being a joke, it must suck to make a serious thread and some jerk comes and says that.
One thing is those stupid threads where a noob come and asks who is mikael or what is you favorite album, etc
This forum sucks so fucking bad, the only reason why I'm here is to see news about the band, or other bands in general,, but lately everything sucks too much.
If I were Samsara, I would close the forum, but he is waiting for mikael to tell him, seems like.
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