About 2-3 years

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Abuse of power does not apply to members breaking a mod's request to behave just to be the class clown. Some of the most retarded jokes ever originate here and they die here as well. I hope Samsara can crack down on all of it and bring it to and end even if it takes 3-4 years.
Ok, so I'm a little bent currently. Explaining myself and my reasons for doing what I'm doing are only going to be used as fodder to bash me, spam the forum more, etc... so just stop being smart-ass infants, or be banned. period.
It would be hilarious if you ban them for the period of time that they mention... Like the above guy for the actual years... and IP bans too... that would shut them up in a hurry I'd think. Good job anyway. :)
....and that's exactly the kind of passive aggressive, nonsensical bullshit that makes me hate this job..... at least while I'm reading shit posts like the one above...... aaaaaaaaaand then I'm over it.

Fact is you should be good little boys and START having senses of humor, rather than being childish and moronic.
Am I the only one who finds it kinda amusing that this Jack Frober crap is going on here much longer and has probably produced a hundred times more spam than the 2-3 years thing...anyway, none of my business. Proceed.
lol samsara you're the worst moderator possible, come on if you're going to do some arbitrary bannings then at least it should be for a funny reason
ah cmon, any arbitrary banning is a big step forward in the fight against stupid unfunny fanboy dorks. I applaud this move tbh
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