razoredge, you are right according to common linguistics, but in this case, it doesn't necessarily work. And I already said why also. Because of the fact that there is no genre called "Progressive", and because there is no real genre for technicality and instrumentalism, the two were conjoined by really stupid people when Dream Theater were called Progressive Metal. Every single one of Dream Theater's albums sound completely different, but every single one is technical. So therefore, the stupid people thought that they were called Progressive because of the fact that their albums all had the common factor of technicality, rather than for the changing styles and sounds. Think about it.
Dream And Day is like Rush on crack.
Images and Words is like Dream And Day on Ecstasy and Pot.
Everything from Awake to Six Degrees is all too varied and unalike to really group together
Train of Thought is like Nu Metal, but if Nu Metal was actually as talented as they thought they were
Octavarium and Systematic Chaos are, for the most part, heavier, but still very experimental.
Honestly, if I could go back in time and change history, I'd just call them Technical Experimental Heavy. Because those are all adjectives. Not labels. If I were to use labels, I'd be a hypocrite. I almost fell into a trap there, but I saved myself.
EDIT: Meedley, we definitely just had a moment where our brains were just on the exact same page for a second.